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brad lynch

sexy and you know it

this is for you from brad lynch

by bradmaniac January 8, 2012

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is a slang term used to describe something that is “rad” or “dope.”

Johnny: “Ayo, Tommy got a (brad pitt) girlfriend bruh.”
Jackson: “She’s mad fine bruh, SHEESH.”

by Dictionary.com/;MC-REN-213-C^ February 25, 2021

brad pitt

the hottest man alive

dude 1, i like brad pit
dude 2, fr?
dude 1, yea
dude 2, sick
dude 1, cool
dude 2, brad pitt is a good acotr

by vtghljghdf October 27, 2022

Brad mckay

Brad mckay is an older man in his 60s from winnipeg who doesn't know how to be a grown man and father he ruins everything and is nosey

Brad mckay broke into his boyfriends phone and fucks hobos from main and Inkster.

by Arthursgirlboy December 21, 2023

blanking brad

spin off of breaking bad to be released in 2024.

when you fail an exam you cotinue to blankig brad
blanking brad

by bomwan July 31, 2022

Brad Beard

The worst pirate to ever live. his booty wasn't bountiful, his ship was just a sloop, he was sent to the brig, his parrot has no feathers, his crew didn't even have scurvy. he got a bounty of 1 shilling and got caught the next day.

youre just like brad beard

by bradbeard hater March 9, 2023

Mini brad

The complete opposite of a giga chad

Cdawgva: I’m a mini Brad

Hakkijn: yeah

by Stevethe_Cat March 21, 2022