a very, hot, Brollic, sexy, strong, ripped, skilled, talented, yet sweet, crazy yummy cutest guy you'll ever know.
An extreme form of being a beast ... see beast
1: Yo claire, is that kid over there your boy?
2: Oh Ish, yeah!!!
1 : Pshh everyone wants him yo, he's a freakin Extreme beast... OR
he's Extremely beastin!... OR, Hes just a regular Ish so you know he beastin
A greasy , horrid person with a wierd accent and weares belly tops...if you see one shoot it......
OMG I just seen the Vile Beast! Mum give me the gun.......
Literally: Hungarian Beast. Derived originally from Andrash, who wrestled bears in his homeland of Hungaria. His son, the world's strongest man and the person who was first given this moniker, is so strong that he was once mistaken for a hungarian rhino. Often used to define someone who has abnormal pectoral size. Usually a Hungo Beast is the offspring of two fierce warriors, with the mother as the threshold of the home.
"Holy Cow! D'you see that kid! He's a Hungo Beast! The way his muscles flex when he moves. . .I'm in love."
A fat nigga with hot Cheetos and fake supreme clothes and fake air pods who brag about how rich they are but they eat cardboard for dinner.
Person 1: hey Joe over there is being a hype beast
Person 2: i heard he has ligma
person 1: nah he had sucoma
person 2: what sucoma?
Truly a magnificent girl with a big kind sweet heart. Goofy and can always shine bright in the darkest times. You can't help but admire who she is and cherish everything about her. She makes you feel like your living in the city of dreams. Brings all of your fantasies to reality. Rattling you with thunderstorms of Jupiter.
Raven Boy: "Just thoughts of her makes me sink into a deep trance of euphoria. Beast Girl you are my Sarang."
a pesom(most often male) who loves to shove his genetalia into crevasses of animals.(same root word as beastiality)
holy shit, this zoo is wierd as shit. filled with beast-stickers and momzoids.
A girl with a really big butt.
You cant help that your a swamp beast thats why the guys keep looking at your butt.