A gay guy named Brad who has fudge packed into his anus outdoors, in the freezing cold.
He was out there like St Brad of Toblerone, last night.
A skinny male with knees that arch backwards while standing in an upright position.
Hey look there's bent Knee brad , he loves them slam hogs!
Doing a Brad is when you don’t drink on nights out because you only want to put your penis in an exhaust engine
Doing a Brad is looking like a chipmunk, Theordore not Alvin
Doing a Brad is going into the store for some Yeezys but coming out of it with HIV and some Reebok classics
“I’m doing a Brad and I don’t want a beer tonight thanks mate I wanna shag a Citreon C1”
attacking someone for not performing any work, slacking off
Please stop bradding me this early in the morning!
A midget your lover or wife would leave you for.
Guy's wife- Fuck this shit, I'm going to be with my five foot nothing brad pitt.