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milwal brick

a newspaper or other large sized piece of paper roled and folded so that it becomes solid (a teacher at my school was almost knocked out by one)
chavs will use them one as a non illegal weapon,

milwal brick is exactly what i wrote above so an example would be really stupid...duh

by yay im on the internet!!! December 1, 2005

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Foot Bricks

Square-toe shoes. These shoes have been terrorizing menswear for years and are the worst style of footwear out there. Square-toe shoes are never, ever flattering to any man or any of his outfits. Literally any other shoe is better.

We all know a misguided guy who unabashedly rocks these leather foot bricks and stomps the sidewalk with fervor.

by Florence G July 12, 2018

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brick daddy

Louis William Tomlinson

Louis is so hot, he is my brick daddy

by honeycomb28 January 29, 2021

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Learning Brick

It's a brick. You do something stupid, I throw it at you. You learn.

Don't make me employ the learning brick.

by Jebediah Hansworth December 15, 2008

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When your X-Box has died. Describes An x-box in a particular 'state', following a severe Software or/and hardware failure of the x-box (usually a '360').

Also see:'Bricked'

"I was playing x-box for two hours on a hot day, when all of a sudden the "Three Rings of Death', viola x-brick'.

by lobi March 11, 2008

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Bricked up

When your dick is fully erected and sticking up

My homie got caught in 4k while he was bricked up

by Randomshit_69 July 21, 2022

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sausage brick

The moment when you realize that you just lost the game.

Derp saw a rage comic that had sausage brick in it and lost the game when he looked it up.

by Ammorn October 25, 2011

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