Source Code

Captain Kneeus

Originated from the great Amarkus Edward “Kneeus” “Captain Knee” “Big Knee” “Kneeboy” “Lil Dark” Brown.

Look at that nigga kneeus over there.

by Capt Knee November 12, 2020

Captain China

The Captain of any team who personally doesn't do any work. Usually named Larry or something

Lad 1: Did you see Captain China over there doing work?
Lad 2: I don't think he's done work in 4 years and he surely isn't doing anything now.

by Penisass3465 March 30, 2019

Captain Mike

A mythical legend that lives in the highlands of Everts.He has a son who he beats everyday.

Captain mike was beating Landon, Landon was very happy

by Brady_gross September 24, 2020

captain smooth

one who partakes in smoothness on a daily basis; pimpin' hoes in addition to coppin' that pam. In every situation he does the smoothest thing possible. ALWAYS. life of the party. favorite among the chicks.

have you seen Gregory Yarnellovic lately? Definition of captain smooth!

by dirty Qtip April 9, 2011

The Captain's Chapstick

When a penis is covered in it's own cum, and a partner rubs the tip along their lips.

Dude, she was giving me head last night and finished with The Captain's Chapstick!

by Idkndhwusmmdndnsiiakendnhzuaub February 22, 2017

Captain Tasmania

1: Kim Dracula's fan base appointed Superhero name.

2: Kim Dracula's superhero persona in the Superhero music video.

Did you see Captain Tasmania?!

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!!! No!!! Its... It's.... KIIIIMMMMM DDDRRRAAAACCCCUUUUULLLLLAAAAAA!

by LXXLoveRoulette August 21, 2023

captain disease

Captain D’s Seafood Restaurant

I had Captain Disease for lunch and I’ve been throwing up all afternoon!

by Pinetreeenjoyer9 August 15, 2023