Carter is very dramatic sometimes. For some reason he always reminds me that I’m short. That’s why I gave him a name that he would always get pissed off by. Princess emo short material furry. Is usually blonde sometimes burnet. He is the greatest best friend ever and falls in love with the most worst people tho.
Isabella: Boo!
Isabella: Floof!
Carter: fine, bitch
Isabella: princess emo short material furry 🖤
Carter will break your fuckimg heart. He acts like he cares but will mess around with other girls. He makes you laugh and charms you, easily gets you to forgive him, but will cheat on you in a heartbeat. He will mess around with other girls and cannot commit to anything. He tries to make you laugh and forgive him, and will be your only weakness, but he is trouble. Break up with him and never go back.
“You’re dating carter? Oh shit, i fucked him last week.”
A backstabbing bitch. He makes you feel uncomfortable. Carter's always try to impress for attention. Carter's never pay attention to you only their games. When they are blamed for something they blame it on their parents or siblings. Never date a carter
Carter's ex: ugh it's him
Carter's gf: what did he do?
Carter's ex: when I broke up with him he said he stabbed himself but then I met him up again and he said his brother and mom said that
Carter's gf:...
Carter's ex: just wait it'll happen.
Carter is the type of person you cannot forget. Mostly a girls name, rarely a guys name. Usally has a great talent, but not many people like carter mostely because she/he walks around expecting all of the attention and everyone to care about them. They never really care what other people are going threw its all about them.
That girl over there carter, stay away from her she can be mean!
Carters are always right and hailey's are always wrong
Carter is always right!!
Very hairy, tall man. Has a hairy butt crack, which draws attention away from his big muscles or beautiful hair.
Steven: "Dude, if Carter was turned around, you wouldn't notice his big muscles or his beautiful hair. You'd only notice his hairy ass crack!"
Carter: "Dude you're weird"
Steven: "It's true!"
a person, typically a man, who carts.
matthew: hey, we should hang out with aden some time
ethan: no, he's a carter
matthew: ew, fuck that