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Math Class

Math class may often be mistaken for math yet they are in fact very different.

Math on one hand is extremely useful for life skills and job requirements and to succeed in the future... While math class is filled with 90% hot garbage and homework that we have to waste 25 out of 24 hours in our day to complete! ):<

1. You’re almost as bad as math class!

2. You’re so mean! When you die you’re going to math class!

3. Were you born in math class or something! You’re so evil!

by Globnorp.on.instagram February 14, 2018

Math Class

A fucking hell hole where you waste an hour of your time to make x and y go to the train station. Oh Suzie rode her bike 12 miles in 12 days how many miles did she did in a day. Shits retarted

I have a math class after this.

by ogmnb February 12, 2020

Cum Class

The class where you practice cumming with your teachers.

My school used to have a Cum Class until the FBI held an investigation on my school!

by Apandathatgetsbitches May 14, 2022

Music class

a class where ur teacher tries to teach you about crochets and quavers and u write it down or he's going to ask you about it and u won't know what to say

Whats after maths?
Music class

by mycrushisthebest July 27, 2021

Class 'splainer

A person who thinks they can tell someone with a working class occupation (tradesperson/retail staff/food prep or service etc) how to do their job because 'how difficult can it be really'.

The typical class 'splainer has a degree level education or higher and seems to think their 2:2 in music tech qualifies them to explain plumbing to a plumber. You might overhear a class 'splainer lecture a 19 year old part time sales assistant on stock rotation before asking 'what kind of opperation are you running here', insisting that running out of a particular item is 'ridiculous' and demanding 100% discount for the inconvenience.

Some class 'splainers don't have much educational attainment but instead climbed the ranks of whatever leeching corportation was stupid enough to raise them to the dizzying hights of middle management after taking a night course in whatever defunct version of MS Office they're still running. Such individuals will try to compensate for feeling like an outsider at work by lording it over service staff often by insisting they 'don't see why you can't just {insert unreasonable demand}' and snorting 'it's hardly difficult'. These people might feel the need to affect an upper class British accent.

Any push back is met with some variation of who do you think you are / who do you think you're talking to. Intersects with mansplainer though sometimes women do it too.

Some condescending toff won't shut up about the EU regulations on pints, he keeps saying everythings ridiculous and demanding the finest wines.

He's a Class 'splainer, tell him he's barred!

by flanderBang October 6, 2017

Class of 2557

The year when people born in 2539 and 2540 were suppose to graduate but instead got enlisted to fight for humanity.

Hey jimmy look, we are graduating next week!”

*2 days later*

Tommy says as Guns fire in the background, “Nevermind then. Unlucky to be Class of 2557.”

by N0T_ October 14, 2020

"A" class syndrome

A term used to describe the tense, overcompetitive and pretentious nature of the "A" classes of schools (notably Asian ones), which results in factionalism and superiority complexes.

I'd suggest you don't submit that application to join class 2A. They suffer from "A" class syndrome.

by Elliotttheneko November 11, 2021