Corner in downtown Cleveland on highway 90.
Did you drive through Cleveland? Yeah how about that Cleveland corner
Grover cleveland high school is hell on earth.
Delivering the fax to Cleveland means to go poop.
Person 1: What are you doing?
Person 2: Delivering the fax to Cleveland, it’s gonna take a while.
A Cleveland Bullworm: When a man's urethra is so gaped that another man can stick his penis in his urethra.
Jeremy: "Hey, dude! Can you Cleveland Bullworm me?"
Wesley: "Oh yes, I'd love to use your gape!"
This isn't your grandma's tetris piece. A Cleveland Z is best enjoyed face up and legs up. Open wide because here comes the Z train.
Dudes, it's a bunch of dudes doing things to your butt. One of the guy's name is Zed.
See also: Rhode Island Z
My hiney is ready for the Cleveland Z.
A penis that bends twice, with the first bend being rightward, as viewed by the owner of the penis. (If the bend is to the left, the penis is referred to as a “Rhode Island Z”.)
Although certain diseases can create this outcome, the mostly likely cause is injury.
Bob’s had a Cleveland Z since he was a kid. He never should have stuck croquet balls in his underwear and gone prancing about the yard.
This is best done when your woman is caught in the throes of passion and is utterly oblivious to what you’re about to do. You kneel over your woman who is lying down on her back. You beat off on your own, quietly shitting on her knees. Then, you come all over her face and suddenly slam her knees and face together like an accordion.
we tried something new i gave her a cleveland accordion