Source Code

nicole english

DEF #1 the smell of burning dog poo

DEF#2 dank gal

DEF #1 dude my dog, DME, just took a fat shit over there and it smells like a nicole english

DEF#2 daaaammnn maammiie, you lookin hawwtt, like a nicole english, uuhhh

by bungholio666 August 9, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

english tea

The British slang form of tea bagging,or blow job, more acurately it is to suck on one mans testicles

Janine gives me the best english tea

by dominicos January 8, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

old english

common english language phrases and means of expression including typical terms uttered by people who fart dust.

Did that guy just call me a doll?

Yeah, but its ok, I think he meant well.

Oh look, he just farted dust.

by nick May 23, 2005

27๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bad At English

Benjamin Imison

I am Bad At English

by Benum June 1, 2018

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english flagship

a combination of a dutch rudder and a german piston

"hey, betty, do you want to get to geather later and do an english flagship with me?"

by lars fredricksen January 10, 2009

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Spaking English

When you say to your friends your not spaking English when your the one that is not

1: Elise your not spaking English

by SHERKED March 11, 2017

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English Teachers

They are Satan but way more extreme, they torment you by forcing you to write pointless paragraphs of one sentence in a prehistoric book that no one uses. These types of motherfuckers would assign you 10 paragraph essay for you to compete for the next day. I swear, I would personally start a holocaust for English teachers; if you picked English A level consider this as a warning to you.

Person one: We have English.
Person two: IK
Person: English Teachers are worse, trust me

by IslamicTord December 9, 2022

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