There are 2 types of flamingo fans.
1. The regular ones who just enjoy flamingo's content
2. The crazy ones who make liking flamingo their whole entire personality. They think they are funny by saying things like "e" or "yo tengo" but they are actually annoying, if someone says one bad thing about flamingo then these people would go out of their way to harass them.
I actually like Flamingo but most of his fans are just annoying
I feel bad for regular flamingo fans because when people outside of flamingo's community think about his fans they think of the obsessive and annoying fans.
Flamingo fan 1 - Hey do you watch Flamingo's videos?
Random Person - Nah, I don't really like Flamingo's content.
Flamingo Fan 1 - That's fine, I respect your opinion.
Flamingo Fan 1 - And this is why people don't like flamingo fans.
Lying down naked in front of a fan. Almost like sunbathing
Kay was fan bathing after her hot shower.
1. An elaborate plot by Ryan to acquire the affection of Fan.
2. A style of playing Mah Jong.
"Hmm...yes...the Fan Plan is proceeding as expected...."
We're never getting back together. Why are you acting like a clipper fan?
ayeme.spam fans on tiktok are by far the best ones out there. so classy & hot and sexy.
“are you following ayeme.spam?”
“well ayeme.spam fan is the hottest fan in the whole tiktok.
ayeme.spam is the hottest tiktokker out there. she’s so hot and funny 😍
1. A greaseball from the slums of the bronx that wears a wife-beater and claims he is italian despite making his “pasta” with prego or ragu sauce. He claims to be a yankee supporter so he has a chance to identify with the glory and success they have achieved, because he knows he will never achieve self fulfillment by himself. 2. A snobby stock broker who doesnt know what a sac fly is, yet sits behind home plate every game claiming to be a diehard fan yelling slurs at bostonians for simply existing. Takes the entire rivalry way too far, openly supporting dzhokhar tsarnaev for sticking it up to beantown. And finally 3. A random child from anywhere in the world who is a fair weather fan and a bandwagon who wont cheer his local purely because they are losing. He is not popular at school, has pimples, is tubby, weak, unattractive, mentally slow, and wants to feel like a winner so he relies on the success of the yankees to feel good about himself despite the fact hes a closeted homosexual.
Hey thats jimmy hes that fat kid who always gets picked last cause hes a yankees fan
“He looks gross”