Source Code

farmer john cheese

parmesan cheese

pass me that farmer john cheese! (please)
pass me that farmer john!

by michael foolsley December 4, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Sweaty Jizz Farmer

Somebody who refers to Gardening in their excuse for not wanting to leave the house.

*on phone*
John: Hey you coming out today?
George: No sorry I need to help my dad mow the lawn.
John: Stop being such a Sweaty Jizz Farmer and come out.

by AfroBurglar April 30, 2009

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

reverse appalachian farmer

A highly risque maneuver that requires three things. A man, a woman, and drugs. While taking various hallucinogens the man must insert himself into the woman (who is also taking hallucinogens). The man and woman must then roll down a rocky surface while still having sex, and additionally must engage in an intense philosophical debate. Smoking a joint afterwards is a must. No one has yet figured out exactly why it is called the reverse Appalachian farmer. The commonly accepted origin is these were simply the first people to do it.

"Hey hon I still have scrapes from the Reverse Appalachian Farmer last night, but it was totally worth it"

by meyter bansdrty June 15, 2008

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Two Fisted Farmer

too fist'd fahr-mer


1.) The sexual act of a man placing his penis between the breasts of a lactating woman. The man then takes a breast into each hand and begins milking the woman and spreads the milks over his penis to be used as lubricant.

Man: "Damn, we are out of lube again... I was really looking forward to placing my penis between your breasts and gyrating."

Woman: "How about a Two Fisted Farmer?"

Man: "That's a GREAT idea. I am so glad you are still lactating!"

by Buster Highmen December 9, 2009

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

farmer vogue

otherwise known as a plaid flannel. farmer vogue is now commenly worn by teenage boys that inhabit southern california.farmer vogue makes boys look extremely attractive.

Drew:i like that shirt that guy is wearing, what is it called?

haley:it's called farmer vogue...all the hot guys wear it

cassie: my next boyfriend must wear farmer vogue!they just look so cool and surfer boy when they wear it

by cassandra says August 10, 2008

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Mellon Farmer

A skinny woman or girl with unusually large, shapely breasts -- bulbous.

Did you see Pamela Anderson on Leno last night?
Yes ...she is a real Mellon Farmer

by kinni88 July 12, 2011

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Dick farmer

Emotionally unavailable boy that treats girls who love him like shit for their own pleasure. They’re called dick farmers because they farm so much girls it makes their d smaller everyday

Guy: babe I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to cheat on you
Girl: stfu Marc i knew you were a dick farmer!!

by pusierongodmother April 24, 2022

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