Gabe is someone who is misunderstood as a person, looked down upon by others, no one understands what he feels inside, he has a voice but doesn’t use it often, he believes in the people he cares about, will go crazy if anyone crosses him or his brudas🦍💯, Ppl call Gabe a shark, honestly idk why Bc I can’t swim and I’m a human just like anyone else, Honestly the way Gabe feels is either your with him or against him.... there’s no neutral either you’re an ally or an opp
“Gabe isn’t a real ride or die for his Brudas”
“Yes he is”
“Lie again”
“Alright go cross one of his brudas, go ahead “
“Alright *tries one of his brudas, comes back with a bloody nose*”
“See I told you not to, “
Gabe:”Honestly only ppl I trust is the ppl I fw and my brudas... nobody else.”
Amazing man . If you ever meet a gabe don’t let him go . If gabe ever tells you he loves you or compliments you he means it . Gabe will love one girl . Never let her go . She means so much to him. She is in love with him too . Just might not be as open about it . Gabe is sexy funny always makes u laugh . Never let gabe go
Gabe: I love you (really means it )
Girl:Ok ily too ( Really means it )
Such a big boy! Makes you say, "Ooo I want that". Will be clap-able and a perfect person to bring with to the boys house. Type of guy to say I got you, when yu complain about your girl not being there for you. What a true friend
Friend: My girl broke up with me but luckily Gabee cheered me up
Me: Yeah, he did the same for me last week
Is weird but is funny. Can change drastacly in appereance orver set periods of time. Overall wholesome.
Person:My friend is weird.l but wholesome
Friend: GABE
The best, most outgoing person you will ever meet. He is super funny and charming, and always knows how to make you laugh. If you ever have a friend named Gabe or Gabriel he’s a keeper. He is always happy, but has rough patches, but hides it to make other people happy then him. He will always love you for you.
Girls:wtf is Gabe so hot 🥵
Guys:why does he get all the girls 😤
His parents and siblings:we are so proud of you 🥰
Girlfriend:wtf stop looking at him he’s mine 😡
gabe, gabe is a weird funny guy that will eat a lot usually normal sized but a bit skiny gabe is fun to be around gets a little nervouse around people he doesent talk to much and is usually getting hurt some way or another he likes to do a bunch of stupid stuff do not tell a Gabe what to do he would have already done it gabe can change moods reeeeeeealy quick so do not piss off a Gabe he will smash your head against a locker or punch you gabe can under go pain for awile with out noticing gabe usually has a girlfreind and when he doesn't he is a flirt. can not sell correctly without auto correct
Gabe: hey I'm hungry lets get something to eat now
Gabes "friend": no this is your 4th time this hour