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Gabe is someone who is misunderstood as a person, looked down upon by others, no one understands what he feels inside, he has a voice but doesn’t use it often, he believes in the people he cares about, will go crazy if anyone crosses him or his brudas🦍💯, Ppl call Gabe a shark, honestly idk why Bc I can’t swim and I’m a human just like anyone else, Honestly the way Gabe feels is either your with him or against him.... there’s no neutral either you’re an ally or an opp

“Gabe isn’t a real ride or die for his Brudas
“Yes he is”
“Lie again”
“Alright go cross one of his brudas, go ahead “
“Alright *tries one of his brudas, comes back with a bloody nose*”

“See I told you not to, “
Gabe:”Honestly only ppl I trust is the ppl I fw and my brudas... nobody else.”

by King_Gabe30 June 26, 2019


Amazing man . If you ever meet a gabe don’t let him go . If gabe ever tells you he loves you or compliments you he means it . Gabe will love one girl . Never let her go . She means so much to him. She is in love with him too . Just might not be as open about it . Gabe is sexy funny always makes u laugh . Never let gabe go

Gabe: I love you (really means it )
Girl:Ok ily too ( Really means it )

by Unknown Gabe lover June 22, 2019


Such a big boy! Makes you say, "Ooo I want that". Will be clap-able and a perfect person to bring with to the boys house. Type of guy to say I got you, when yu complain about your girl not being there for you. What a true friend

Friend: My girl broke up with me but luckily Gabee cheered me up
Me: Yeah, he did the same for me last week

by Star struck December 15, 2019


Is weird but is funny. Can change drastacly in appereance orver set periods of time. Overall wholesome.

Person:My friend is weird.l but wholesome
Friend: GABE

by Keiko Keiko November 11, 2020


The best, most outgoing person you will ever meet. He is super funny and charming, and always knows how to make you laugh. If you ever have a friend named Gabe or Gabriel he’s a keeper. He is always happy, but has rough patches, but hides it to make other people happy then him. He will always love you for you.

Girls:wtf is Gabe so hot 🥵
Guys:why does he get all the girls 😤
His parents and siblings:we are so proud of you 🥰
Girlfriend:wtf stop looking at him he’s mine 😡

by Kylie_jenner_yourmom 😏 January 14, 2020



Man that guys a fag, I bet his name is Gabe.

by Caleb Slade March 2, 2019


gabe, gabe is a weird funny guy that will eat a lot usually normal sized but a bit skiny gabe is fun to be around gets a little nervouse around people he doesent talk to much and is usually getting hurt some way or another he likes to do a bunch of stupid stuff do not tell a Gabe what to do he would have already done it gabe can change moods reeeeeeealy quick so do not piss off a Gabe he will smash your head against a locker or punch you gabe can under go pain for awile with out noticing gabe usually has a girlfreind and when he doesn't he is a flirt. can not sell correctly without auto correct

Gabe: hey I'm hungry lets get something to eat now

Gabes "friend": no this is your 4th time this hour

by GAbE Abcd June 4, 2019