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gabriel is hot af and girls named maddie r in love with him

maddie loves gabriel more than she loves herself.

by gooddick69 January 16, 2021


Um garoto incrível. Completamente popular na escola e tem muitos amigos. O tipo de cara que te faz rir durante um dia ruim e sabe como animar o clima do momento. Muito engraçado, porém toma muito cuidado para não ofender ninguém. Pode ser bem ingênuo e sentimental, mas sabe ser forte e confiável. Um dos melhores amigos que se pode ter.

-Quem te enviou esses memes engraçados?
-Gabriel, meu melhor amigo!

by daomnllafs August 28, 2022


Gabriel is unforgettable. He starts off as a just a friend you talk to in class and boom you start to develop feelings for him. He’s a good boyfriend and is hella attractive. He got curly brown hair, tall, and plays basketball. Along with his good looks comes his fun personality. He can always make you feel happy even if you are sad. If you ever get a Gabriel, never let him go because he is the best person you’ll ever meet.

“Who’s that? He’s bad asl
“Oh him? That’s my homie Gabriel”

by user119202025 June 30, 2024


Gabriel is unforgettable. He’s tall has curly brown hair and plays basketball. He’s someone you’ll never forget even after a year. You probably will miss him. You probably still think about him from time to time. Gabriel’s also really funny not to discount his looks. He’s also a good bf.

“Damn who’s that, he’s bad
Oh him? That’s Gabriel”

by user119202025 June 30, 2024


1. What my substitutes say when they see my name because they're illiterate.
2. The name that makes me raise my head or flinch when I hear it cause it sounds like my name.

The same also applies for the nickname Gabe.

The Sub taking attendance: "Gabriel?"
I raise my hand
Me: Gabrielle.
The Sub: Sorry, Gabrielle
Random person: "Hey Gabe!"
Me: Flinches
Gabe: "Hey!"

by Idkdudejustgowithit August 31, 2023


He speak with intelligence and he is funny at the same time. He has this beautiful green eyes, a smile that radiates across a room and a touch that creates electricity wherever it goes. He is rarely called by his full name and finds it strange when people do call him by that. Don't bother asking him what he thinks about life, because you have to be extremely brainy to figure it out. He loves to read books, to drink coffee and, most of all, to lay in sofa and do nothing but watch bad TV. He screws up a lot. But he is still a kind hearted gentleman and he is a great kisser too. He’s normally lazy, but if it’s important then he will work really hard. Gabriel is a special guy and he’ll probably win some kind of a Nobel Prize one day.

When you look back on your life and reflect on the really interesting moments that meant something you'll say, "Hey, Gabriel was there!"

by Ccaramsldngfmsekldrngvlksedrca January 14, 2018


a cuss word used by miraculers but is also the definition of a dad who YEETS his son across Paris. You would understand more if you watch miraculous

“stop being such a gabriel dad
Omg stop acting like gabriel”

by miraculer12347 December 1, 2019