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Ginger Crazy

A fun-loving girl that is completely sane, but doesn’t necessarily care what other people think about her can elicit laughs from people without even trying. She often has a magnetic personality and is a y nature, she a little bit of a daredevil attitude.

β€œDid you see Janina on that jet ski yesterday?. She had a Ginger Crazy moment, she was hilarious!”

by Missmojito23 June 10, 2011

gingers are weird

they are grim people who suck on your nuts when you are a sleep

gingers are weird

by gingers can die October 13, 2021

ginger person

A person, male or female, with red or orange hair typically having many freckles.

Ginger person Seth Green, Chuck Norris

by Glovemaster January 21, 2014

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Ginger King

The King of all Gingers....
Once the media, shows such as South Park, and the population of people with other hair colors drive those with Ginger hair color to the point of sheer anger, frustration, depression, and possibly even close to extinction, the Ginger King will appear and will take control to explain to the world why everyone needs Gingers and why Gingers are more normal if not superior to those with different color hair. This will bring about a new era, where Gingers are no longer made fun of but looked upon as role models and keys members of Society. When this time will come is uncertain.

Poor Ginger kid: I warn you now, the day will come when you will no longer make fun of me

Viva el Ginger king!

Bully: Looks like it's national kick a ginger day

Ginger: But I am not different than you
Bully: You have no soul Ginger Bitch

Ginger: I was born from normal parents just like you , I dont deserve this
Bully: Shut up and just accept it Pumpkin Gut
Ginger King: Why would you harm a defensless kid just because of his hair color?
Bully: you are a ginger too fag
Ginger King: I've had enough of you, your a fatass who has no soul yourself and has to take it out on a poor kid with red hair just because your gonna be jealous in ten years when you see your girlfriend cheating on with him. YOUR NOT EVEN WORTH BEING IN THE LOWEST PITS OF HELL!
Bully: runs off in fear
Ginger: thanks ginger king
Ginger King dissapears to help another abused red-head

by ShyRonnnie December 8, 2009

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true ginger

One with red hair, freckles and pale all over their body.

The true ginger can not tan, he burns.

by Jackie6767 May 1, 2016

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ginger bird

a comical way of defining a red head/ginger.

"oh dude matt that ginger bird is all over you tonight!"

by k2pilot June 10, 2008

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The vagina of a (naturally) red-haired woman, or, by extension, the woman herself.

Thats one nice ginger-snap, in my opinion.

by Nick Sangia March 26, 2003

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