The view that economic solvency implies environmental sustainability, asserting that dense, solvent urban development is environmentally superior to subsidized car infrastructure and, by extension, Levittown-style development. Many "gray environmentalists" do not care about the environment at all, but rather their preferred policies simply have positive environmental externalities (e.g. a libertarian approach to land use results in more efficient, and therefore less sprawling, development and infrastructure).
Gray Environmentalists argue that per-capita environmental impact is most limited in these dense, walkable, communities, not because there is a deliberate effort, but instead due to factors such as car independence (as opposed to car dependence) and central heating (even if minimal, as in duplexes). Proponents also argue that denser development frees more space for parks and recreational centers, thereby creating a greater potential for green space, whether in the community or immediately outside of it.
Gray Environmentalists differ sharply from the more well-known Green Environmentalists, who are in favor of increased regulation, a "return to nature", and frequently view nature as more innocent, and therefore superior, to human lives.
"Did you hear that high birthrates and immigration are causing overpopulation?! We need more living space!"
"Adolf, ever hear Gray Environmentalism? Build up, and not into Poland."
"Ja, but kill enough people and we get lower carbon output!"
"Or, hear me out, maybe don't build the autobahn?"
KG, a pitiful excuse for a human being, walks through life with a soul as barren as the wastelands. His existence is a mere blight on the tapestry of humanity, devoid of compassion, empathy, and any semblance of decency. With each step, he leaves behind a trail of disdain, infecting the air with his repugnant aura. His eyes, once windows to the soul, are now hollow and lifeless, reflecting the darkness that consumes him from within. A heart as cold as ice pumps through his veins, pumping nothing but self-serving agendas and a callous disregard for the feelings of others. He is a walking embodiment of humanity's worst traits, a reminder of the depths to which a person can sink. His twisted mind delights in inflicting pain, relishing in the suffering of others. He is a predator disguised as a man, preying upon the vulnerable and exploiting their weaknesses for his own sick amusement. The darkness that resides within him is palpable, oozing from his every pore like a foul stench that taints the very air. His actions, driven by a toxic cocktail of arrogance and malice, leave a trail of shattered lives and broken spirits in his wake. KG revels in the chaos he creates, reveling in the power he holds over those unfortunate enough to cross his path. There is no humanity left in him, only a grotesque mockery of what a person should be. He is a walking nightmare, a living reminder of the depths of human malevolence.
Bob: Imagine being named Kaden Gray.
Jimmy: Fr fr
Person 1: Check out my new e90 335i
Person 2: Oh that’s sick. Sucks it has grandpa gray interior
Sickest cunt alive, has the tools to diagnose anything and pull the bitties
Girl; “Im feeling sick”
Boy; “I diagnose you with a lack of vitamin D”
Friend; Must be related to Dr. Gray
The act of using one's status as an individual who developed gray hair unusually early in life to feign ignorance, avoid responsibilities or or physical labor, or otherwise reap tangible or societal benefits generally reserved for the elderly.
Michael spent all day sitting on his couch saying he was "too old for this" and acting like he didn't understand anything, he's totally gray-facing again
The dopest man on earth. All women love him and he is so strong and pretty. He is so sexy and has an 12 inch penis