The most gorgeous person you could ever meet with the nicest smile looks like a complete goddess with the best laugh ever gypsy will always be their for you and is a very strong girl so dont mess with her
Gypsy is great
Gypsy- someine who knows how to control someone in a happy manner a gypsy likes listening to classic music and having a laugh dont just sit there and be stupid think of something
Carrying a suitcase around and calling yourself a gypsy doesn't make you a gypsy any more than wearing a fin on top of your head makes you a shark. It really just makes you a pretentious poser.
The girl thought that she was a gypsy and this and that, and that she was disarming people she never met and couldn't see, but in reality she was a dork that wanted to go around like she owned the place, and make herself look and sound scarier than she actually was in the process.
If u see a gypsy, then you know you are in Romania
Mama, ce tigan, da'l dracului can nimic nu stie decat sa fure!
I think I just saw a gypsy, what're they doing there? Stealing from nibbas?
One who has the devils luck.
Im a masculine Christian prophet, not a gypsy.
A term commonly used by Europeans to describe people of the Indian, Pakistani, Kazakhstani, Kyrygystani, Turkmenistani, Tajikistani, Afghanistani, and any other country in that area. The Greek version is Gifto (Gee-ftogh)(Γιφτο), and is commonly the users of the paliatzi service.
1: Bro look theres a gypsy.
2: Dayum he's hot