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human race

For every person who takes a life someone will give life. 10 who destroy, 20 will rebuild. 20 who lie, 40 will tell the truth..this is what makes the world go round for every wrong done there will be someone to do it right it's balanced.

urban Dictionary to Websters Dictionary, human race to animals

by Definitionsthatdontmakesense August 16, 2007

55πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Human Forehead

1) (n) Condition whereby one’s forehead extends beyond the natural hairline and consumes the entire cranium. Afflicted beings are usually rendered hairless, and often times maintain a cranky disposition and lack tact. In certain cases, they are unable to use a t-shirt as a towel.

2) (n) John Enright.

Jacko: Hey, Human Forehead: how long have you had the human forehead?

Human Forehead: Do you want to hear a racist joke?

Jacko: No thanks. But could you pass me that t-shirt? I’m soaking wet.

by Hog1 June 4, 2004

32πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Human Handcuff

When you are fisting a man or woman and they put gorilla glue around your wrist, sealing the fist inside of them and restricting the use of that hand.

Jeff: I can't hangout today
Roy: Why?
Jeff: Because my girlfriend put me in a Human Handcuff again.

by EkarcE11 May 2, 2015

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

human cancer

Right Wingers, christians , radical islamists, Libertardians and any non-liberal.

Those with backwards monkey values are human cancer.

by Burn Mar-a-Lago July 9, 2023

12πŸ‘ 299πŸ‘Ž

main human

The main character of the entire human race. Centre of attention even for just breathing. According to credible scholars, the one and only main human is Kim Taehyung.

Everyone agrees that Taehyung is the main human.

by Official UrbanDictionary January 13, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

oliver human

A human named Oliver

i have a crush on Oliver human

by Oliver Human July 18, 2017

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

human centipede

The guy at work who brown noses everyone above him and shits on everyone below him.

Guy 1: Bret was really brown nosing the boss in that meeting today.
Guy 2: And totally shitting on us, too. Such a human centipede.

by ohhila February 28, 2012

90πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž