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poke relationship

when two people share a relationship which degraded straight down to giving and recieving pokes in facebook.

Person 1: "Hey how's everything going with that girl u met in France?"
Person 2: "It all came down from an open relationship to a poke relationship"

by Esteban.Arias93 July 24, 2011

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Complicated Relationship

Two people who are flirtatious and post eachother on social media that have some type of fling going on but are not dating for whatever reason.

Are you guys dating you always talk about eachother? Its kinda complicated relationship rn

by Newin lol August 25, 2018

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symbiotic relationship

Needing each other

Batman and joker are the meaning of a symbiotic relationship. The best ever bemonstrated to the public

by chris Floyd January 31, 2016

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comited relationship

a relationship were all you are conserned about is each other.

when your girl friend flurts with another guy when your not around.

by Jarrod Purvis May 10, 2005

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Mutual Relationship

A term commonly used by that of hoes or thots ( that hoe over there) used to describe a splash she's had with a multiple, multiple guys. Do not be mistaken for the drizzle, a thot will always be a thot. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Or a male describing a concurrence under the sheets with a friend and saying it was because of a mutual friend.

I didn't do that! He's just a mutual friend, ya know? Like a mutual relationship.

by BUDDAhpsedu April 17, 2017

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Unofficial Relationship

When you do what people in a relationship would do but, You aren't dating yet.

Person 1- Are you two dating?

Person 2- It's kind of a Unofficial Relationship type deal..

by PattyB. November 18, 2015

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Unofficial Relationship

When you do what people in a relationship would do but, You aren't dating yet.

Person 1- Are you two dating?

Person 2- It's kind of a Unofficial Relationship type deal..

by PattyB. November 18, 2015

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