Omg is that bre and izzy?
i wish i had a bestfriend like them.
Izzy Davies, Midget , quite shy and first but then BOOM you cant get her to shut up.A girl in love with many band members, who likes to swing her guitar around but the guitar strap sucks so she cant do that , her friends mean everything to her, her band means everything to her , can be a bitch so i would not start with her but i think she is just more protective over her friends. Parents thinks shes gay . has an amazing dress scene and music . strikes out and loves to derp.
"hey did you hear about that izzy davies chick"
"yeah diddnt she says shes in a realationship with zack merrick isnt he old for her"
Izzy muzza is someone NOT to fuck with. Uh Hi I’m Izzy , hazzas friend , if you EVER fuck with Izzy muzza you WILL pay the consequences. Izzy muzza is a person who wasted 0.99p on the game Episode she was expecting a wet shag in the shower. But got NOTHING.. uh um i bite my finger to stop my self from laughing haha I get the giggles um i also am traumatised from my ex two years ago i have been left with serious trust issues and ADHD and PTSD and a DRUG addictions also have social anxiety 👉👈 um my best friends are Megan nay nay and jamie downy we play role plays ever night to keep me company and distracted from my ABUSIVE mother 👩🏻 1 like = 1 pray for Iz I once drunk one cider passed out then got up and passed out again and i whited and was sick 7 unholy times!!! whilst poor Meg ney net had to hold my silly sicky bucket 🪣 xx from IZ (hazzas friend) .
Um are you friends with Izzy muzzle she’s such a buzzkill IZZY BUZZA this means Izzy muzza
this is a dudes name. izzy is a dude. hes really cool and hot and works out a lot. i would totally let him bang me if i was into that. bro doesnt even realize how hot he is. hes like a nonchalant dreadhead but better and latino.
Damn I bet that guy works out, hes prolly named like Izzy Glimore or something.
Izzy bee is a pan furry. You may catch izzy talking about your mom and how they stained her bed sheets.
any pronouns btw
zzy: Im a pan furry now
izzy: ur moms a hoe
izzy: shes a bully
izzy: she stained my sheets white
izzy: i have any pronouns btw
izzy: ur moms a hoe
me: what izzy?
izzy: stain my black bed sheets rn
me: kk
izzy: fuck me rn
me: kk ;))))
izzy bee: ur moms a hoe
me: what izzy?
izzy bee: stain my black bed sheets rn
me: kk
izzy bee: fuck me rn
me: kk ;))))
Izzys are unique,smart,caring,gorgeous and have a great sense of humour! They love to eat and they are very sporty!! Niall’s are usually very wholesome, caring, handsome and can always cheer you up when your feeling down. Niall’s usually make the first move while Izzys don’t. Most Izzy’s wait for the other person to make the first move which is why they are PERFECT for eachother. They fit together like a jigsaw. They are both extremely talented people and never leave a job half done. They are both loyal and trustworthy which means they will have the dream relationship together. No matter what they are always together snuggling in bed or on the couch. Izzy and Niall are also very good kissers and are extremely romantic. They trust each other so much that they would do anything for each other. Once they are alone together we all know what will happen, but that’s because they love each other to pieces and nothing can change that. The passion they have for each other is unbreakable, when one of them is sick the other is sure to look out for them and be there when they need kisses and cuddles. When Izzy and Niall first meet it will be love at first sight, no matter the ages. They will call each other nicknames like princess, baby, petal etc... You just can’t get a relationship better than these two can!!
Bob- Did you see that couple getting cuddly at the concert yesterday?
Carl- Yeah, they looked so comfortable with each other.
Bob- They must have been Izzy and Niall
Carl- Yeah, I would love to be in a relationship like Izzy and Niall
Someone who always complains about being tired, even though they never do housework
Her house is such a mess and she always says she's tired, she's such a tired Izzy