Source Code

Horse Jockey's Boot

1)Dilapidated, engorged membranous tissue forming the external covering or integument of a vagina.

2)Reflects a pliable pelt-like substance adhering to a womans loins.

1)Rumor had spread that Maria's horse jockey's boot was the largest external appendage in the Benton County Area on a female whore.

2) In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the horse jockey's boot sleeps tonight...

by Toosh March 21, 2008

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dead horse jockey

A person who continues, at length to continue on a topic that has exhausted its usefulness to the rest of the crowd, to expound and explore the dead topic.

Someone who, despite being told the topic is a "dead horse" continues to converse on that topic.

I can't believe Tim is still arguing about toothpaste with Bob, Bob agreed with him 20 minutes ago! What a dead horse Jockey.

by Darious Guile October 22, 2009

Flash-Drive Jockey

The "Tech" employees at big box electronics stores. They usually have no real IT skills. They just use a flash drive that diagnoses and fixes issues with computers that they service.

Took my laptop in for a tune-up. That fucking flash-drive jockey didn't do a damn thing I couldn't have done myself. And they charged me 200 bucks.

by CMC knuckle February 28, 2013

suicide jockey

A maniac driver who overtakes on blind corners.

That suicide jockey has his days numbered.

by Pete November 11, 2004

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jockey cock

a guy with a cock that is similar in size to a roll of dimes

man you aint got shit down there thats why your last girfriend called your ass jockey cock

by drophit January 22, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

knob jockey


Girl 1: "Wow, he looks pretty tasty!"

Girl 2: "Yes, but he's a knob jockey."

by 68guns March 20, 2009

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Counter Jockey

In the men's locker room where some douche bag has his towel draped over his shoulder and is completely naked allowing his nuts to rest on the sink while he shaves.

I thought I was in the Breeders Cup when I look to my left and saw some Dude playing Counter Jockey while brushing his teeth.

by DoucheBagz October 30, 2008

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