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'made a lad'

To be 'made a lad of' , or to have a 'lad made out of him'. Originally conceived as an intellectual concept concerning the relationship (sexual or non-sexual) between a 'daddylad' and his 'lad' aboard a certain Royal Navy T class submarine in the early 2000's.

Sailor A: <sniggers> Sticky's gone to shake his lad early again shippers

Sailor B: <chuckles> yeah, he's certainly 'made a lad' out of Gooch. That's the third sexy shake he's learned him with in as many off-watches.

by Sticky_Green September 16, 2021

Phat shotty that lad

"Phat shotty that lad." One of the most heard statements in Grimsby and surrounding areas. The statement refers to the amount of cannabis that the said person smokes through a plastic bong (usually made of a plastic bottle). There are many variations of the word that begins the dtatemeny, here is a list of words that go from the smallest amount of cannabis to the largest.
"Backy shotty that lad." Just tabbaco

"Shady shotty that lad." Not alot of cannabis

"Alright shotty that lad." Average serving of cannabis
"Phat shotty that lad." Lots of cannabis
"Norty shotty that lad." Couldn't possibly fit anymore cannabis in the shotty pipe.

*recieves shotty* "sound lad." *Smokes shotty* *coughs* "Phat shotty that lad."

by The Guru of Grimsby December 30, 2019

Belt of the fat lad

Jenny was in a very bad mood, and Seamus declared......"she could do with a belt of the fat lad.

She needs a good belt of the fat lad

by Von flufflepuff the turd May 28, 2022

pond lad

a pond lad is a magical lad who lives in a pond. Kind of like the Lady of the Lake, but way cooler and pond-based. He gives people magic pond boons in return for catching fish and is on very good terms with the local newts. He might be an exhibitionist.

Person 1: Why isn't Ray wearing any clothes?
Person 2: I think that's just Pond Lad

by k'rk November 21, 2023

pond lad

a Pond Lad is a magical lad who lives in a pond. Kind of like the Lady of the Lake, but pond-themed and way cooler. If you catch some fish for him, he will give you a magic Pond Boon. He is on very good terms with the local newts and may or may not be an exhibitionist

Person 1: Why isn't Ray wearing any clothes?
Person 2: I think that's just Pond Lad

by k'rk November 21, 2023

Salad lad

That's you leafu

Loud: hello salad lad
Leaf: hello leprechaun
Loud: ;-;

by Theweirdteen December 27, 2021

Littlest lad

Some high pitched British person who talks a lot of shit

Jeffry was being the littlest lad today

by Mr.Ga**IA October 20, 2023