Lilly seymour is a girl who has man hands man shoulders man legs and is basically a man so lilly seymour is a man
Emmah:I’m hanging out with Lilly seymour
Person: isn’t that the man hands girl
good at relationships and loves freaky songs. For example: somo ride. She will ask any boy out without being scared
Lilly Roland She’s amazing that’s how
They are made for each other! The perfect blonde and brunette duo, short tall duo, and pretty and pretty duo. Both are extremely gorgeous. One is more silent about their love life while the other one is over the top obsessed with guys. Too straight at times. Sometimes though you could be gay for each other.
Boy 1: omg have you seen those two hot best friends over there
Boy 2: you mean Lilli and Linnea
Boy 1: Ya they are both so hot!
Lilly and Luna. People who love each other very much but just can't happen due to something so powerful in the earth, but that doesn't stop them
Lilly and Luna are forbidden soulmates if you must.
Lilly P is a special girl. Very tall and has a nice singing voice. She has many boyfriends, all the boys want her. 😐
Have you seen that random girl who’s name I don’t know?
Oh you mean Lilly P, ya I don’t know her name.
Beautiful girly 😻 very annoying 🤓🤓 book worm bestie boo die she loves hippo boobies
Omg you see lillie sayers she’s so beautiful and annoying and I love hippo boobies
Lillie sayers she is the most stunning girl u will ever meet yes she’s annoying but she loves hippo boobies so I love her very much
Lillie sayers oh to be her I love big hippo boobies aswell