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Kady Lucas

A white girl with an iffy face, but a huge, massive ass. Often found bragging about their donk on facebook.

Rick - "damn dude look at that chick bend over!"
Ross - "yeah man but see, she's just another Kady Lucas"
Rick - "oh"

by dontbemadwhenitstrue August 8, 2011

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lucas is a name given to a very cute guy which many girls will have a crush on, lucas does the cutest things that make girls love him even more and is a real fortnite goat. he loves music, sports, bubble tea, and his family and friends. lucas is very kind, caring, loving, and funny. though he can be annoying at times, his friends love him and his girlfriends feel lucky to have him. lucas is a very hardworking guy but knows how to balance work and fun. lucas is a special one, and if you ever meet him, be sure to cherish him!

im so lucky to have lucas in my life!

by ilovebubbletea October 22, 2018

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lucas phenomenon

a phenomenon referring to the avatar cuteness to user ugliness on social media

the cuter the profile picture, the uglier the user is in real life

"damn this girl has a really cute anime pro. Think I should go for it?"
"nah bro, remember. Lucas phenomenon."

by Globally Hated March 17, 2018

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lucas saunders

The sweetest, most amazing, compassionate, douchebag ever. He is dependable and kind. You can always count on Lucas when you need advice, or someone simply to talk to. He is flirty but in the perfect way. He is strong and attractive, definitely best friend material. He takes the friend-zone like a gentleman.

I talked to Lucas last night... he really helped me work through the whole John thing. john

That guy was so nice. He's like a Lucas Saunders.

by Fiddleheadz February 26, 2017

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Lucas Scott

Lucas Scott is one of the main characters of One Tree Hill. Lucas has had multiple multible relationships with Peyton Sawyer, and Brooke Davis. Lucas' best friend is Halie James Scott. Lucas' brother is Nathan Scott. Lucas Scott is played by Chad Micheal Murray.

Did you see Lucas Scott on One Tree HIll last night?

by Eleana May 9, 2008

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to pull a luca

to pull a luca means for a new unpopular person to become popular by dating a popular person

"When Gretchen dated Brad, she so pulled off a luca"

by ~*AnGeLbAbE*~ February 26, 2003

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george lucas

The undisputed God of Flannel

That flannel shirt is so Lucas!

by Raistlin X May 12, 2005

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