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the breach method

Verb. When a man has to pee so bad that he, instead of unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, just straight up pulls his cock out and pisses.

James had to pee so bad that he used the breach method to relieve himself quickly

by BigBadBitch:) October 19, 2022

The Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method

Noun: 1 of 1

The typical idiot's method of gathering false information from unreliable sources, and then regurgitating the information on social media platforms in an attempt to seem like they know what they are talking about. Often the misinformation is gathered from old memes, outdated comic strips, Urban Dictionary, and other drooling idiot's bias opinions. The unreliable information is then linked in a social media comment, message, or post, and accompanied with an air of certainty as though the person posting it has no doubt what-so-ever that the information is true. By seeming convinced that the misinformation is factual, an original poster of the Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method hopes to convince others that what they have posted is fact. Those who believe the false information to be true, are often lazy and complacent while unwilling to research further in order to find actual facts about the subject matter. The typical Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method practitioner is easy to spot in public; they are often inbred or mentally incompetent on some level, and spends most of their time breathing through their mouth and eating their own snot.

Common Synonyms include:
fairy tale
far fetched
smooth brained
The Dipshit's Bullshit Method

"I feel like everything that Jacob posts anymore is the Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method to mislead everyone who reads his posts. Is he really stupid enough to believe that people will fall for his bullshit?"

"Donald Trumps Twitter account in 2019 was a full-on exercise in the use of the Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method, and SO many idiots bought into every little lie he posted. I'm impressed how many stupid people had Twitter in 2019."

"Posting that you can recharge your cellphone by putting it in the microwave for one minute is a perfect example of the Cameron Flanary Misinformation Method. It only takes one idiot to convince other idiots that misinformation with no reliable proof or sources is indeed true and factual."

"Cameron Flanary was the world champion record holder for the Tide Pod challenge in 2018, when he ate an alarming 84 Tide Pods in 45 minutes, and inserted 39 Tide Pods rectally into his welcoming anus as suppositories in under 4 minutes; so before you continue to post some more stupid ass bullshit, you can shove that Cameron Flanary Misinformation right up your..."

by Factaxiom Facticus January 13, 2025

Jackoff Method

What a person does to make someone else unable to use hunting equipment

I used the Jackoff method on my hunting equipment so he is unable to use it

by February 11, 2022

stuporior method

A narcissistic way of doing something that the individual
believes is infinitely superior, which is actually quite

Daniel mortgaged his home to play his new can't miss
stock market system, and soon declared bankruptcy.
That's what I call a stuporior method.

by goldandsilverowner August 14, 2010

Waterfall method

When asked for an opinion, start by saying something nice to ease the blow of the waterfall of bad stuff you are about to say.

"How do i tell my friend that he is super annoying and terrible in every way."
"Start by saying he has nice hair."
"But he doesn't."
"Doesn't matter, its the waterfall method."

by Wagio December 7, 2017

Gerry method

When you do a Gerry

Step 1. Obtain a Gerry
Step 2. Put in on a ceramic toilet
Step 3 oil up

Step 4 enjoy you Gerry! Bust that load on the Gerry

Daniel used the spaghetti method and bowl methods to obtain that Gerry method

by Bigtoess123 December 3, 2024

The Synonym Method

When you secretly date two women that have the same initials, that way you put said initials in your instagram bio and both girls think it's them. Bonus points if they're related.

-Dude, I banged Alyssa Morrison in the morning and Amelia McInfrey in the evening.
-Wait so who's initials are those in your Instagram bio?
-I used the synonym method on 'em, they can't tell who "A.M.♡ " is, and tbh neither can I ;).

by Greenbergthewise July 30, 2019