The term first was used down in the deep south. Falling out between the dome of the white man's mouth. It means that we will never grow, you know the word dummy. Other niggers in the community think it's crumby. But I don't neither does the youth, 'cause we embrace. Seems adversity is part of the race. Now it's kinda used as a term of endearment, I know some people gotta wonder how and where the fear went. Now I hear the shorties use it all the time and a whole lot of brothers use the word in their ryhmes. See I start to flinch when I try not to say it, but my lips are like the ooowop when I start to say it.
Yo my nigger, most people have diarhea of the mouth and constipation of the ears you know. I wish these guys would stop acting like sucka niggas and get a clue.
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1. A hateful word used out of ignorance to disparage people of dark skin.
2. A word used on racist, hateful, ignorant, animalistic, gansters of any ethnicity or cultural back ground. This definition isn't used out of any sort of racial prejudice for it is to be used on any race, as long as the person in question fits the descriptive words.
Ignorant John- "look at that stupid nigger"
Jason- "I think the definition of nigger should be changed from something thats hateful to something that is helpful to society."
Ignorant john- "that'll never happen."
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The word refers to " wanna get it over with"
I am niggering this test dawg!, cant wait for party tonight!
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A word other races call black people
(not all other races) also black people say all the time but they mostly say nigga
some other race being racist "shut up you nigger"
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Any degenerate fuck who disregards all of the ideas of humanity and acts like an uneducated, malicious asshole and acts like a violent fucking caveman. Doesnβt matter what color you are. If you act like a heathen and are fueled by violence, corruption, love to fight and argue over the smallest things, or act like a white redneck with no boundaries . Niggers are people who disregard everyone but themselves and commit crimes against humanity. I reserve this name to the lowest of the lowest, and it has absolutely nothing to do with what color you are.
If you are prejudice or violent or love to fight for the fun of it, or love drama, or enjoy destroying people so you can feel adequate, you are a fucking nigger
Countless rich people have abused us and made us slaves to society, but they are the real niggers
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