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People who are named Sofia

Sofia is weird

by Auto_Correct December 31, 2022


everybody .

“ you bitches are weird “

by xenoiiz July 25, 2022


definition : everybody !

“ you h03s is weird .”

by xenoiiz July 25, 2022


definitely not trinity

trinity can't be weird because she's amazingly perfect

by Smartiebruh June 3, 2021


A not normal noun or pronoun. weird is a way that something is doing what it's supposed to do not normally.

guy 1: hi...... nothing to see here.
guy 2: you're acting weird!
guy 3: yeah!
guy 1: what?! no, how?!
guy 3: you're saying weird things.
guy 1: like what?
guy 2, who interrupted guy 3: like nothing to see here.

by mumbo jumbo huge fan November 3, 2020


When you don't know what this word means.

Weirdo: What does weird mean?
Some dude: someone that doesn't know the definition of that word

by DeathFox April 25, 2019


its the thing that happens when you try to talk to your crush


($ $)

( - )

Your weird

by NinjasHypeer February 21, 2019