Source Code

Beach Rat

Mixture of the beach bums and rasta hippies. Absolutely love the beach.

Beach rats like the beach

by matterofacttt May 7, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Union Beach

Union Beach is comprised of the remains of what little dignity Keyport had, washed up on a dirty, needle-ridden shore. It is a smelly town, named after its "beach," that is, instead, a patch of second-hand sand and an arrangement of fake dolphins. Pre-Hurricane Sandy Union Beach (PHSUB) was a dump, and Post-Hurricane Sandy Union Beach (also PHSUB) continues to be a dump. Children grown here are misshapen and unintelligent. They go on to lead unsuccessful lives and swim in the filthy, green water that stunts their growth on a daily basis.

Person 1: "There's a party in Union Beach tonight. Would you like to go?"
Person 2: "Union Beach? I always regret going there. But, hey, a party is a party... and at least it isn't Keansburg!"

by TheGirlfromUB January 23, 2013

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Virginia Beach

city where even the whitest whiteboys use street slang

skater: "yo what's good kid?"

skater2" "not much yo, my bad about not hittin you up yesterday"

by Mista X March 28, 2005

103๐Ÿ‘ 165๐Ÿ‘Ž

gerritsen beach

an irsih shanty town in the bowls of brooklyn

gerritsen beach is a small town located in the southren most part of brooklyn .... all most all kids there either smoke weed of drink alot of alcohol.. kids here think there cool when they drive in there little cars out side the "skate park" or A.P gb is the stupides town but its intentiions are good are mostt of the "older" people there are good ... gerritsen beeach is now fillledd with guidos pot heads and losers

by legomyego July 26, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beach Nigger

Offensive term for Brazilians.

"The World Cup Soccer Final in 2002 saw the Gerry's (Germany) playing the Beach Niggers"

by Kamen Cider July 30, 2004

34๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beach Week

The first week of June in which herds of high school graduates migrate towards the beach in order to engage in (sometimes fatal) drug abuse and promiscuity.

Also a week in which the already slutty girls wear even sluttier outfits, if possible, and increase their collection of STD's.

No girl with any sense of looks (drunk vision inclusive) leaves a virgin. Many leave with their first rape kit.

The more prude girls attempt to dress slutty, but refuse to act slutty, transforming them into cluster-fucks.

A week where cops should just give up

A week where thousands of kids get a criminal record

A week where every fluid is tainted (or cured) with alcohol

It's Beach Week next week! I can't way to severely damage my liver and brain stability in order to have an abundance of unadulterated sex with random strangers of random sexes with or without consensual-ality!

by TheLoft June 1, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Laguna Beach

Laguna Beach is my hometown and no one is that perfect. Some of my friends are like that but it make us seen like where these spoiled rich brats.

Hey lets go shopping and spend my daddies money on $600 shoes

by Blumberg July 28, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž