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A place like jail except you are there for only 6-7 hours a day for 5 days a week and all it's about is passing

It has horrible food like jail
Bullies like jail
Rules like jail
And you aren't allowed to leave like jail
And your parents pay to send you there
Also the average school student has the same amount of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the 1950's
Another thing is that they don't prepare you for real life

Tim: I graduated from school with all A's
Bob: What did you learn from school
Tim: I forgot

by Wideeyedweirdo June 26, 2020


Where children are mercilessly forced to do incredibly awful and boring things, and constantly overworked. See also, torture.

Person #1: Man, I have 24 assignments due tomorrow and I am so tired, boy I hate school.

by skidaddleskidoodle June 5, 2018


Hell. Just pure hell

Omg we have to go to school it’s litterally fucking hell. 😀

by weelilinit November 2, 2020




by Potatomonkey December 17, 2020


In Less Words, A Fucking Madhouse In More Words, A Torture chamber where you stay 7 or 6 hours with nothing but cold ,hard books. You can get bullied rejected and such. when I go to school I know I'm going to have a horrible day

Jim: Hey...Uhh Nate

Nate: Yea?

Jim: gtg mum said I had to turn off me ps4 see ya at school

Nate: Sure mate, see ya

by Shrektaculous February 10, 2017


a place to learn important stuff until you get to 4th grade where you start learning useless things

teacher: how do you use a semicolon in a sentence?
student: WHEN WILL I EVER USE THIS?!?!?!??
teacher: shut up the longer you're in school the more I get payed

by Flamming halo March 22, 2018



Example of school:

"Oh no! its Monday!"
"Why, where are you going?"

by God bless your survival. October 24, 2018