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Ship Jax

To ship two people using the ship name "Jax". Usually, Jax would be shipped from someone named Alex (usually a boy)and someone's name that starts with a J (usually a girl).

Girl : I totally ship Jax! They are so cute together.

Boy : But they aren't together yet!

Girl : "Yet".

by OTP Pro June 17, 2017

ships without meaning

Typically when fandoms ship characters for no reason other then that they can.

Also a good song by Oneohtrix Point Never

Did you hear about the ship between the main character and that one side character?

Yeah, but I don’t really care. It’s just more ships without meaning.

by WHITE2570 September 27, 2023


The opposite of "sticker-shock" --- it's what you feel when you are all ready to happily send in an online order to a company that offers its merchandise insanely cheaply, only to then nearly have your eyebrows fly off when you see the astronomically-outrageous postage and handling fee that they wanna charge you to ship said order... THAT'S how they are making their profits!

U.S. Plastics may indeed have fantastically low prices on many of its products, but it's the shipping-shock that'll kill ya.

by QuacksO October 31, 2018

thunder ship

When you have a lot of shit to move

Oh! That’s a thunder ship! Use the truck.

by Thunder ship September 1, 2023

chilling at the space ship

Relax and be calm

Don't worry. Chill at the space ship. I'm always chilling at the space ship.

by Anderson Turis May 12, 2014

The “Your Turn To Die” Shadshin Twitter Ship Poll Takeover

From November 14th 2023 to November 19th 2023, the Twitter user made a poll of a Your Turn To Die ship battle, the ship Shadshin was suggested and added as a joke, but Shadshin soon started taking up the Your Turn To Die Twitter, and spawning two twibbon campaigns, edits, and fanart, as well as many, many quote retweets. Shadshin won all the polls up to the final one, beating Ransara and almost beating Naoreko, Shadshin was declared the winner as a joke and everyone celebrated on the Yttd Roblox Rolplay server.

“Hey do you remember the “Your Turn To Die” Shadshin Twitter Ship Poll Takeover?”
Don’t. Fucking. Mention. It.”

by Ginibushikinni3 November 20, 2023

Pirate Ship

to be simply orgasmic.

Trish: That guy in the movie was sooo pirate ship.
Deb: Oh my god I know!

by Shayna daccccckkkmen March 15, 2008