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Fire sign

For the people who lost everything or about to lose everything, the last thing they want to hear about is more about how this other person was a fire sign person and that explains why they're not dependable or trustworthy.

For some reason (no good reason), you have to be patient and understanding about this person fucking with your life, he/she is just doing it because he/she is a fire sign person.

by Solid Mantis April 22, 2020

Road sign

A person with a dick the curves to the right or left like a street sign directing traffic

John has a road sign

by Kietanium March 13, 2021

Purple Sign

When a document is signed between two people of immense power or cultural significance.

"Joe. I know you're a multibillionaire. This will go good for both of us."
"I know, Donald. This is a Purple Sign moment."

by C L G September 21, 2017

Signs of a neuropath

• Heartless

• Very charming
• they don't care about other people

• they have other disorders like narcissism etc
• praising hisself or herself
Inflated self esteem

Signs of a neuropath

by 459395 April 24, 2022

She Why At Sign

1. A tribute to the First Memer, supposedly a lady living circa 1902, who remains anonymous but came to fame writing completely unintelligible phrases (which would eventually become 'memes'), signing them 'She Why At Sign.' As every meme was signed thusly, today the signature of the First Memer is repeated at the end of conversations by fellow memers in her honor.

2. The phonetic pronunciation of 'cy@', which is an alternate spelling of 'cya,' which is the common abbreviation for 'see ya,' which is slang for 'see you.' Similar to 'hee hee ecks dee' and 'kay why dollar sign.'

Definition 1
Person 1: I think I need to go now. Dinner time.
Person 2: She Why At Sign
Person 1: Kay Why Dollar Sign
Person 2: Hee Hee Ecks Dee

Definition 2
Person 1: All right, I think I need to get to bed it's getting late.
Person 2: She Why At Sign
Person 1: ?
Person 2: ^-^

by Chifleaf May 30, 2017

international steal a sign day

5 January, the day to steal a sign. It's a great way to start off the new year.

- yo! what are we doing today
- you're kidding me, right? it's the 5th of January,

- Yeah, what about it?

- its international steal a sign day. We're bout to steal some signs man.

by Pab The Builder November 24, 2019

Putting traffic lights at my stop sign

When someone tries to over complicate a task or situation you have already resolved.

Look pal, I've already sorted it, don't be putting traffic lights at my stop sign

by Elektrafying_ July 19, 2017