Game played by paedophiles to seduce underage children into sex.
Young Ryan was seduced by Coach V by playing the game hide the skittle.
A ground of 6 or more midgets at a gay pride parade
Bro chad I just saw a shit ton of mini skittles
A bunch of midgets at a gay parade
Did I just saw a shit ton of mini skittles
to jack-off
the guy just flopped it out and started diddles his skittles
Oh shit what the fuck!? THIS EXIST!?
Hym "Skittles gummies are a thing!? I didn't read the bag before I opened it! This is both disappointing and delicious!"
A lesbian.
Is it true Ellen DeGeneris is a skittle scraper?
What happens after two successful Scuttle Butts. At the strip club
Cinnamin couldn't come in tonight because she got the Skittle Sizzle.