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Pol modaya
Kisima danumak nathi pol modayek 😂😂

Pol modaya spencer naamba 😂😂

by Only for Spencer September 28, 2020



Person 1 - Who is that guy?
Person 2 - That's Spencer, he's a yeeyee fookboi

by gaylorf201920 April 16, 2019


A mean guy with a terrible personality, toxic, bad at video games, can't trust him, a guy with no moral compass or empathy.

Spencer is annoying
Spencer is a bad person

by guyfieri25 June 15, 2022


Somone that says they love u when they don’t, cheats on you because you weren’t good enough and is a massive jerk I hate you spencer


by .M.E. April 22, 2019


A haha virgin that would turn down a bj

Spencer is an absolute cuck

by 3inchpeen December 7, 2019


Just an ordinary person who's probably tired of reading about a bunch of strangers gushing over old partners who shared the same name as them. Subject to change depending on the name of whoever read the posts after looking up their own name and cringed.

"Hey Spencer, did you look up your name on urban dictionary yet?". "Oh yeah, I felt near physical pain reading that stuff".

by Plazmasoldier November 14, 2021


The best name ever, if you ever come across or know a Spencer they're probably very respectful and care about people's feelings, and also very attractive.

"Who's that?"
"Oh, that's just Spencer, he's the hottest guy around."

by 15Crossed February 27, 2023