Source Code

Transylvania Steamer

When a girl is sucking the dick and she punctures the main vein with her incisor and drains blood out out of the dickie and drinks the cockblood.

Gee Sally, I was thinking maybe we had reached the point in our relationship where I would not even have to ask you for a transylvania steamer.

by DJ Smith January 18, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

alaskan steamer

A combination of the Alaskan Firedragon and the Cleveland Steamer, only this time you say something shocking like "I've got worms," then hold her down, shit on her chest, then pick out the worms and make her eat them.

When giving an Alaskan Steamer, make sure you have about 20 gallons of Listerine to wash her mouth with. Now you can give her another one.

by Some idiot that thinks you are gay August 22, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grisly Steamer

A large and extra stinky bowel movement that you break into a sweat taking. It is usually time consuming and you have to bite on a washcloth while taking it. This is fun for guys who have been drinking to joke about using a different sort of accent, usually proper British.

"Ryan was in the bathroom for a half an hour taking a grisly steamer."
"That grisly steamer almost had me calling 911."
"Shawn is still talking about a grisly steamer he took last year."
"If you want to repulse a guy and you're a girl, talk about taking a grisly steamer."
"That grisly steamer made me want to slap my mom."

by MadamexXx February 26, 2009

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

organic steamer

when someone defecates on a hairy pussy.

River says, "I met this great guy at Burning Man. He took me back to my tent and gave me an organic steamer!"

by nizzlejam April 24, 2008

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deep steamer

Deep Steamer is another way of saying you have to take a huge dump.

When used in context
"Yo u have to go take a deep steamer"
If yelled in a large group of people, the older crowd will never know what you are talking about, but the younger crowd will. Making it a very non schelant meaning so other people won't get grossed out by saying it another way.

by Undermysteam October 4, 2013

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steamer basket

A rather noxious bedpan

"Oh nurse, I left you a present in the steamer basket"

by Dept. June 27, 2006

3๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pittsburgh Steamer

When a guy takes a girl to Primanti Bros. for a romantic dinner. Then, said guy takes girl back to his place and takes a shit on the girlsโ€™ chest. The girl looks down and sees ruminates of coleslaw in the shit. While all this is going on the couple is drinking IC Lite!

Shantel did Jerome take you to Primanti Bros. last night for dinner? Yes and afterwards he gave me a Pittsburgh Steamer. That's hot!

by DMyers October 23, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž