a variant of the word "steven" which makes it even more complicated then it has to be since you aren't sure if you pronounce it Step-hen or Stefen since English is a complex language.
Person 1: Nice you meet you... step-hen?
Stephen: It's pronounced Steven.
Stephen is a good person but often broke because of hockey. Strong passion for anything hockey related.
Wow stephens so broke, guess he didn't get nothing in that pack
A big poop head that poops himself because he eat poop
Person: Do you know stephen
Me: Yes, he is the pop man
Person: Ahh I know who stephen is
The most interesting guy you’ll ever meet. The stupidest but smartest. Not just in math but can take down the biggest guy less than 2 seconds. Stephen doesn’t think before he speaks ever or thinks before he acts. Stephen is not afraid to speak his mind about anybody even to teachers he’s not afraid to throw an attitude. If he tells you to shut up don’t even mind it. But he can be a sweet guy if you are sad
Stephen: SHUT UP
Hunter: Don’t sweat it, he says it every second of the day
Stephen is my brother #1 who is courageous beyond words and will lay his life down for them before they even know it. He loves deeper than the roots below our happy feet. The kindest dad and most trustworthy brother I'll EVER KNOW AND HAVE AS MY OWN. I LOVE YOU STEVE ! LOVE ME
Stephen is MY BROTHER