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Heather Cronin

An eclectic kaleidoscope of unconditional love. A friend to anyone in need. Heather is the one you call upon to take a drive with,and remind you of all things beautiful and magical. Honest and loyal;almost to fault. Unicorn and Baby whispered.If she calls you friend;you are a rare and beautiful gift to this world,and she will ensure you know this as often as needed.

I got up today,and said I'm gonna do things the Heather Cronin way;and went to court with Beth. I stood up at the podium and advocated for her character to the Judge. Turned the whole case in her favor!

by KK'sThroatbabyMomma October 4, 2021

Heather Hart

Incredible human being so full of grace and spirit, the world was never quite sure what to do with it.

Heather Hart is a spirit, a state of mind.

by Arcaneacro September 21, 2019