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Scooter kid

A (usually) young "skater" that can't skate at a real skate park using a real skateboard, so they use a razor scooter instead. Cases like this happen because their parents won't buy them a "super cool skateboard for their 7th birthday." Scooter kids are hated all over the skating community. They get in the way of real skaters' tricks, ranging from 2 inch grinds to pop shuvits. They stand in the way and then complain when they get run over and go mouth off to their mommy like the babies they are. No one likes the scooter kid. Don't be the scooter kid.

Skater: *Pushes off and is about to do a grind to ollie 180 landing*
Skater: "Look out you retard!"
Skater: *Crashes into scooter kid*
Scooter kid: *Cry* "Mom get the dinosaur bandaids pls. NOW mom NOW."
Scooter kid's mom: "I should have gotten him a skateboard... or an abortion."

by Skaterguyhatesscooterkids March 24, 2014

97๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Band Kid

One who is in the high school band, and more specifically, the marching band. Probably some of the biggest perverts you will ever happen upon, a band kid's life centers around marching band.
Their life? They have none because it consists entirely of marching band.
It is worth it though and they love every minute (That they're not hating with a passion, such as parades.)

Most wouldn't trade it for the world.
Roll stepping your way through band camp, 'band bus' rides and the shenanigans that go on, competitions and practice.
This is our life.

"Hey, you want to invite Emily to come with us?"
"She can't, she has a football game to go to. Marching band and all..."
"Well, how about Saturday?"
"She has a competition."
"Pep band."
"Does she have ANY day free?"
"Dude, she's a band kid."

by Laura January 8, 2008

341๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Popular kids

People who are typically looked up to. Unlike some of the definitions here, they can actually be nice people mixed in with the douches who can be genuinely good friends

One of my best friends was one of the popular kids

by Minigriff December 11, 2017

23๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

edgy kids

A group of kids who do dumb things like smash Smarties and yell "I LOVE COCAINE" or whip and dab so much that it isn't cool anymore. They also listen to songs on repeat, generally from Bart Baker( Not dissing him ) or any song that only uses cuss words. They're a lot of the time jocks, and no matter how annoying they are you really don't hate them, it would just be nice if they sat down in their damn bus seat and bring some earphones.

God those edgy kids from 5th Grade are so annoying, Whipping is so 2015.

by Mitsuh Miyah May 14, 2016

70๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fat Kid

Any person who, regardless of age, sex or stature, adores food with every fiber of their being. Note that being a fat kid does not imply anything about a person's weight; it is purely a state of mind.

Certain moments and activities can be categorized as Fat Kid Moments and/or Activities. Examples: going to the grocery store at 2am because all you want in life are brownies; eating an entire pint of Ben&Jerrys when you really only meant to have a bite; pity eating the last bite/portion of food on a plate/bowl/cake pan; assuming other people's food left in the fridge more than three days is automatically up for grabs; patronizing buffet restaurants more than is strictly necessary/healthy/sane; putting whipped cream on..well..everything; interjecting thoughts about food into conversations that had nothing to do with food until that point; etc.

"So...you going back for thirds, too?"
"Um, obviously. Haha omg we're such fat kids."

"Dude I'm such the fat kid...Everyone at the party had these dainty portions on their plates, and I was wolfing down crackers and goat cheese like it was my job."

"Hey, did you read that article on Mexican sociocultural shifts and the escalating tension between adolescent social groups?"
"Mmm...Mexican food."

by my dog has no nose April 2, 2008

159๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Subway Kid

A lyric from Lady Gaga's "Born this way", that no one seams to know what it means.

Give yourself prudence and love your friends

Subway kid, rejoice your truth

by Aggieguy99 February 12, 2011

63๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

punk kid

A commited person to there beliefs. They do believe in freedom of expression. True punks are non-conformist. So this means they do what they want because they themselves want to infact do that, not because there friends convince them into changing. They want to make an impact on authority to change it for the better. They believe in rebellion, but for a cause thats worth it. They dont just become this way because of the music, the music is just mearly a small influence. They start up in this lifestyle because it fits there personallity. Also the way they dress just makes them feel like individuals, like someone different who wants to stay away from the flow and live on their own. And if partying is part of it,hey its worth it. They want to change peoples ways of thinking, to sort of open up there eyes to something new. Sure they might wear checkers and have mohawks, and liberty spikes,peircings or different colored hair, but why should that matter to others its just materialism.. so if they want to do that let them, its called freedom of choice..But over all they are pretty cool people, and usually are really smart, tough on the outside, but are mostly really nice,

Punk kid-"Stop the war"
Anonymous person- "those punks are always startin trouble"
Punk kid-"At least were trying to make a difference"
Anonymous person-"Those kids otta be locked away"
Punk kid- "At least we'll be locked away for a good reason"
Anonymous person-Whatever

by RAYPMJG December 23, 2006

113๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž