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Manor sports ground, England

A sports ground opposite bohunt Worthing school. A place where the public go, bohunt kids do PE and roadmen and gangs hang about

The manor sports ground, England is opposite bohunt school

by TakeALook October 28, 2019

pulls girls on the ground

pulls girls on the ground

pulls girls on the ground

by Timpullsgirls on teh ground November 15, 2021

Ground Loot

Very Common;Easy to get/find; Not valuable most of the time.

“This pussy is ground loot bro”
Hershey’s chocolate is ground loot”

by Chicagobuckets80 March 12, 2024

Ground Loot

Easy to find
Easy to get
A cinch to obtain
Available to a large percentage of people

“That girl is ground loot
“A gray assault rifle is ground loot bro i don’t want that”
“N***a deodorant is ground loot how do you not have that Ind*an.”

by Chicagobuckets80 March 13, 2024

Ground Beef

“Serving (Ground Beef) “

A Slang Term for “Black Tar Heroin

Made Popular by “Shoreline Mafia”, a term to refer to “The Sale/and or distribution of, the street drug known as ”Black Tar Heroin”

“When I went down to Atlanta, I brought a pack down and me and the dogs served some “Ground Beef” at the Trap

by 518Blackout July 23, 2024

Fat Ground Squirrel

Fat Ground Squirrels are groundhogs that at first glance someone belives to be a squirrel.

Person 1: "That's one fat squirrel."
Person 2: "That's a groundhog."
Person 1: "That makes it a Fat Ground Squirrel"

by xMANder69 May 23, 2022

Hunting ground

A term to define rather crowded areas, such as clubs, suited for pursuing/hunting a one night stand.

Rebecca, that ol' cougar has expanded her hunting grounds, she now runs around at Beat Palace and the LaZ Lounge, if you want to bang her, be there around 10pm.

by Frink202 March 11, 2019