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i said damn

An exclamation, often used to follow up a particularly ubelievable statement

"Your granny called you a bitch?! I said DAMN!"

by djslut September 23, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Like a damn sociopath

Like a damn sociopath is something Olivia Rodrigo said in her song Good 4 u it has become a pretty popular lyric in her album

My Last Braincell: LiKe A dAmN sOciOpAtH iVe LosT mY MinD iVe SPeNt tHe NiGht cRyIng oN tHe FLooR oF mY bAtHrOoM

by SharpCream July 9, 2021

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

day damn one

this is commonly confused with the phrase 'they damn won'; actually means day one.

uncle phil: day damn one vivian, day damn one

by daydamnoneviviandaydamnone July 5, 2009

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Damn Dirty Ho

Used when calling someone a ho isn't good enough

A reference to the line in planet of the apes where Charlton Heston says Damn Dirty Apes.

Man that Damn Dirty Ho got me again. I should know better than to trust her.

by Libraryguy April 19, 2010

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Shit Nigga Damn

Something that impressed you.

- Dang nigga, look at that Brazilian ass
- Shit nigga damn, that's a fat ass girl

by Gustavo goose February 9, 2013

44๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot damn

The act of getting into somebody's ass and then rocking it right off

Hot Damn! Don't tell your face but im about to rock it!!

by WhosYourDaddy January 14, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

Shit Man Damn

1: Shit Man Damn (interjection)

Used to express a strong feeling of surprise, annoyance, or pleasure.

2: Shit Man Damn (noun)

Used to convey that something is a striking success.

3: Shit Man Damn (transitive verb)

Used to denote excitement, approval, or admiration of.

1: Upon seeing his best friend walk into the bar, Chris exclaimed, "Well Shit Man Damn!"

2: Joe: Did you get the job John? John: Shit Man Damn!

3: When I saw how big her fun bags were and how tiny her waiste was, I was Shit Man Damned!

by bolillo loco December 26, 2009

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