Source Code

Two stepping

An act of hardcore dancing where boys in tight pants do a lowsy sort of can can

Are you sure he's two stepping?

by Your_B3St Fr13nD October 29, 2007

16👍 14👎

two weeks

When you're out with your friends and you see a really obese girl/woman nearby, instead of saying to your friends “look at the size of that fat ass over there” which isn’t exactly subtle, you say “Two Weeks” and look in the direction of the target fat ass.

If they’re much larger than your average ‘two weeker’ you start with “two weeks” and then someone else might say “four weeks” and this repeats until you get to a period of time you all agree on.

“Two weeks” comes from the film ‘Total Recall’ In the film Douglas Quaid played by Arnold Schwarzenegger returns to Mars inside a robot fat woman suit. Arriving on Mars the robot woman’s head malfunctions and starts repeating the phrase “Two Weeks” before exploding.

“Check out two weeks over there”

“More like six weeks”

“No way, that’s four months

by Mr Hauser January 19, 2007

22👍 21👎

two of spades

A double slap of the male genitalia forming the shapes of spades on each cheek.

Sally said "Oh my god, you gave me my first two of spades, I've always wanted to get a card tattoo!".

by Mr. Hester May 3, 2007

14👍 12👎

Two Bob

An insult, basically a polite way of calling a person a cunt. Referred to in The Libertines song "What a Waster".
To give it a continental feel can be translated in German to 'Zwei Mark'.

"Oi get 'ere you Two Bob!"

by butterflyunderaglass January 8, 2006

75👍 90👎

Two weeker

Someone that you just started hearing about and now suddenly you see them everywhere and hear their name a lot but it’s like they hadn’t existed before the past two weeks

Who the fuck even is she?” “Oh she’s the new two weeker” or “where did they even come from?” “Who knows, I keep hearing about them too”

by MechanicSchool2251 March 3, 2018

3👍 1👎

Day Two

The opposite of Day One. A company, friendship, or life that was once young and full of potential but is now in stasis. Decline always follows.

You used to be my Day One, but lately I've been feeling you're more Day Two.

by Hop Bloc April 17, 2017

3👍 1👎


1. A girl that rates low on A scale of one to ten, but is fuckable

2. a synonym for "not cool"

3. short for "that's what she said"/ "thats what he said"

1. "she may only be a 2 but im desperate" "two-zone :-("

2. "someone stole my pot.... two zone"

3. "i cant get it in!" "two-zone!"

by project noir July 5, 2011

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