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beaver salon

A place where women go to get their pubic hair trimmed.

Hey I'm heading to the beach this weekend, better make an appointment at the beaver salon.

Ewww I found a bunch of hairs on the toilet seat, what does she think this is some sort of beaver salon?

Oh girlfrind you better head to the beaver salon with that sasquatch between your legs.

by shaved123 June 1, 2011

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Dixie Beaver

Dixie Beaver is the hottest country musician in all the world. She is a captivating, beautiful, sexy, awe inspiring, exceptionally talented, fiesty, fearless, honky tonky woman.

Dixie Beaver is the ulitmate cowgirl.

When she plays music, the heavens stop to listen and appreciate. She is country to the core. A musical marvel.

That music is amazing, its got to be Dixie Beaver!

That is a Dixie Beaver of a song! Where can I buy it?

by Honky Tonk Tam February 3, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beaver Face

a person whose face resembles a beaver with such characteristics like bucked teeth

See Miley Cyrus

Person 1: Have you ever notice that Miley Cyrus looks like a


Person 2: Yeah, she's such a beaver face

by make.a.wish December 10, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Justin beaver

justin beaver is a mythical creature that uses its tail while singing highly to disorient and kill its prey. which is unaffective on any creature around age 11-14, or prostitues.

uh oh, i thought i spotted a justin beaver hiding in my closet.

by holy_shit_its_a_cow January 15, 2011

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beaver slap

When a woman takes her overly-loose pussy lips and binds them together with yarn. After her lips are bound, she then proceeds to "slap" them against her partner's eye in a backhanded motion until one of her partner's eyes swells completely shut...arrrrgh...pirate style!

The impact of Jenny's beaver slap rendered Jerry's right eye useless.

by assclown23 April 4, 2003

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Shooting beaver

The act of a woman spreading her legs while wearing a short skirt and no panties so you can see her vagina.

I was sitting in class and Amy was shooting beaver at me from across the room.

by ekks September 23, 2010

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Wally and the Beaver

Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, democratic candidates for President and Vice President in the 1984 election.

From two characters in the Leave it to Beaver TV show.

Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro were a couple of mush wimp do-gooder liberal twerps. They wanted to raise taxes use the money to support lazy people. They wanted to pass and enforcepolitically correct racist laws. During the campaign, people ridiculed them as "Wally and the Beaver."

by Joao Bufamarillo May 13, 2005

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