The thirteenth official update to Geometry Dash, a game developed by Swedish developer Robert Topala, also known as RobtopGames or Zhenmuron. The update was released on December 19th, 2023, and was announced when RobTop released a tweet reading "Check Steam" with a gif of Thanos. 2.2 was the first update since the 2.1 update, which released on January 16th, 2017. 2.2 added a plethora of new features. Such as camera controls, shaders, an advanced particle system, 500+ new icons, a revamped physics system, platformer mode (which allows the player to move as they would in a traditional platforming game), a new gamemode, and many more. 2.2 was the highest anticipated update in Geometry Dash history and the game is currently on update 2.206, which released on June 1st, 2024.
The new Geometry Dash 2.2 update just dropped! Time to milk it for views!! x3
The result of a shotgun shit, the spattering of poo all over the sides of the toilet bowl.
"It felt like too risky a fart to do without being sat on the toilet, I'm glad I didn't take a chance on it because as I let it rip some shit came out and I pebble dashed the sides of the bowl"
Skibidi fire in the hole ohio fanum skib toilet, goon diary munting baby gronk, but he's french so I don't like him
i want to munt geometry dash haha funny
Guy 1: Hey I think Dash from the incredibles is very gay
Guy 2: yeah me too
Found a wiggly banana, Put it on Dash.
John has a Dash ‘Nana in his car. He must have some crazy inside jokes
A list of things to do quick, used by real street n*ggas
Ima smash that pussy then go hit my dash list
Enter an automatic car wash with your partner in the passenger seat. Once in the car wash proceed to jump in the backseat and fuck, but finish and be back in the front seat by the time the car wash is over.
Her: “Babe I’m feeling filthy. What do you want to do?”
Him: “How about the Backseat Splash and Dash?”