Source Code

war scooch

Literally, scooch aquired during war. Used by military members overseas to talk about a host-nation girl they are banging. This is usually not an exclusive relationship.

"Hey man, do you miss your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, but my war scooch helps me pass the time."

by ripper44872 February 10, 2008

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Clan war

A skill based battle against 2 teams, to show who is better than the other. This can either be in a 2v2 or 3v3 battle.

Lets clan war Team Impulse.

by Frxstyyy July 26, 2020

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Wog Wars

a group of burnt mushrooms (two or more) in a fight wiv each ova

Nath - look theres a fight ova there
Me - sweet as boi its wog wars, lets go bois

by Whitton December 8, 2006

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Scilon war

A series of world-wide organized events by the "Anonymous" (aka. The Legion) against "Church Of Scientology", because of their alleged involment in death of Lisa McPherson(36), Heribert Pfaff (31), Josephus Havenith (45). as of March, 2008
As well as "Church Of Scientology" allegations of slavery, financial abuse, "fair game" and "diconnect"
policy, and many other allegations of human and moral rights violations.

Scilon war generated epic Lulz for Anonymous today, while Cult Of Scientology tried to intimidate everyone involved.

by Russian Dude March 25, 2008

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Egg Wars

A thing that happens in West Roxbury/Roslindale when all the genrations in these towns beat the hell out of each other with eggs. This happens in october. Everybody stops selling eggs during this time so stock up before then.

"Oh shit it's egg wars season, stay away from Fallon Field and Billing Field!"

by Jack Butterknife April 27, 2007

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flame war

A battle, fight, arguement, bitch-fest etc. based on the internet in a forum or message-board and sometimes in an IM Convo. It will usually be started by an angry little dirt-child who thinks the 'opponent' has done something against his or her authoritory. Some flame-wars are started intentionally to see who can spurt the best insult. Some cheaters will use images as arguments, but some images are very convincing in arguements, such as images that bring any if the following slogans over:

"And how."
"STFU Newbie!"
"Where is the funny?"

Any image with these slogans or slogans relating to the forementioned goes good with an image that relates to the image.

Anyhoo, some people devote a forum from their message-board on intentional flame-wars just for fun. But just because it is for fun doesn't make it a total piss-up. The rage felt in flame-wars are genrally believable and occasionally hilarious.

The word 'flame war' originates from 'flame,' the name for an insult thrown in a message-board or IM Convo. To be 'flamed' is to be insulted. A flame war is full of flaming.

by Bastardized Bottomburp March 28, 2003

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the art of war

A thosand year old text which Sun Tzu
wrote depicting various wartime strategies
all possesing argueably more common sence
then our modern day ones.

ironicaly its very simple and terribly
short, shrunken down to font size 8 it
fits on about 10 pages, anyone with a
grade 5 mentality could read it, which
also makes it dangerous. The art of war;
it was ok. warwarfarsoft taco

by scavanna March 3, 2009

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