It’s the one day out of the week when Jake likes to say weird shit that doesn’t make any sense to his girlfriend
Man, I can’t wait to women cook Wednesday to my girlfriend
You insert an ice butt plug and try to finish (orgasm) before it melts.
I tried a Finnish Wednesday but it was summer in Vegas and it melted before he found my clit.
wednesdays where wigwamming and drinkinlating are necessary and required
Q.What are you doing tonight? A. We are wigwam wednesdays -ing it up!
The holy weekday for memes, if you don’t look at memes this day, then you ain’t going to be living a good life
Ey bro, looking forward to meme wednesday?
Ye, I’ve been resting all week bitch
You shoot load on your partners forehead after fellatio, and drop your cigar ash into puddle. Then use thumb to make sign of the cross with the ashes.
My girlfriend and I celebrated ashy Wednesday last night after a stop at the cigar bar.