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Raylie west

The most kind beautiful soul ever, she gives me flowers, candy,and plays video games with me

Raylie west is my best friend I am so lucky

by Lizzylana April 9, 2021

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Columbus West

Its a middle school in a village called cicero,ILL the school is boring .The teacher don't give one fuck bout you and theres also a racist math teacher there her name is Ms.Homerding so watch out kids.The principal Mr.Garcia is chill but when it comes to bad things he mad af trust me.5th grades be thinking there the shit like Brianna and America πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ y'all bitches tbh.Theres lot of beaners in the school so be aware.Lunch lady's are chill except for a couple of them which got fired🀣.so yeah thats Columbus West

Oh hey have you heard of the School Columbus West?

Yeah its fucking trashπŸ™ƒ

by Nick-gerr October 18, 2019

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West Yonkers

The western half of Yonkers. The divider is roughly I87 in the north and the Saw Mill in the south. Much different from East Yonkers.

I don't live in West Yonkers.

by Matt November 5, 2004

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The West Loop

A neighborhood in Chicago - typically populated by D-bags.

Off course I have yoga pants, I live in the West Loop!

by fakeanchor@realnews August 1, 2017

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Jonny West

Sex of the hand, masturbating a woman.

I totally gave her a jonny west last night, she came all over the place

by Andy.T December 22, 2008

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Jorid West

Usually from Nordic background. Sexy, sassy, witty and intelligent. Nice smelling hair and great titties. The life and soul of the party, and will party hard. Harder than Andrew WK even. People will try and fail to emulate the awesomeness of this beauty. She pretty much is the shit. Can also do tricks on request.

Man, another zinger Jorid West!

This party sucks, we need to Jorid West it up!

Jorid West would!

by AwesomeGirl4000 January 10, 2012

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Kanye West

Talented, Unique and Authentic. Kanye West has a talent that is rarely possessed. He has the ability to produce and rap, two things that acquire alot of talent and skill. Kanye's music is unique because he displays real-life situations and much of his personality. His music, as well as his beats are fun, soulful and full of variety. He also tackles alot of real issues, something that the majority of today's rappers dont do. He remains true to himself through his music and seems to be very humble and appreciative for his career that he's always had a passion for. One of the most talented rappers of this era.

He's a breath of fresh air!

by Candice April 15, 2004

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