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don vito syndrome

When someone in a fury and angry state is yelling and the other people around him/her can only understand some of the words they are saying. Often times the one who has don vito syndrome does not make complete sentences but rather short phrases with swear words mixed in.

Mickey: Daniel why do you always leave your shhabengi out and don't fritelshdutbs like a normal person

Daniel: Looks like you've caught don vito syndrome

don vito syndrome

by jbenon January 14, 2010

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pepper don red

A person whose luck has changed and the person is more affluent - (Nigerian)

A year ago he was homeless, but since his uncle left him that money - suddenly - his pepper don red!

by talk2me-JCH2 February 2, 2023

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Don Pepino poop

The after effects of over-saucing your pizza slice with the zesty tasty sauce from Don Pepino can be seen in the form of a bright red coloured stool known as the Don Pepino poop.

Often sloppy in nature due to the accompaniment of pizza chilli flakes or jalapenos (or both), Don Pepino poop looks like someone has doused your whole colon with red paint before you squirt a deep ochre colour into the pan.

"Dude - I slopped half a jar or Don Pepino onto my Red Baron pizza last night. My shit is so red that I've made the toilet pan look like the Japanese flag!"

"I saw old fruit - I had a pleasant repast with the archbishop last evening and he served up pizza with extra sauce. I think the Don Pepino poop he'll be producing today could interrupt his sermon if he doesn't squirt liquid red torpedoes out of his bung-hole before he commences evensong."

by Monty Cornwall August 10, 2008

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Club Reefer Don

Someone who shows up to every single party, they crash the party and take yo girl at the same time.

Club Reefer Don: "She got that pancake just like denny's imma take her out"

by kvrvnifemto November 16, 2020

bus stop don

An individual who thinks that he or she "runs" a bus stop. In that they will continually stare down all vehicles which pass by - in anger over their apprent car-less status. They also jockey for "first place" position in the line to get onto the bus. Bus stop dons also tend to have had a history riding both public transit and the unusual Greyhound.

"'ey man, check out that bus stop don staring you down."

by Jake Sha. October 14, 2006

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(pronounced: "don - da - ded")

to get owned by someone, mainly in video games.

-derived from don-dada

"I like Super Smash Bros, but I keep getting don-daded by that cheap ass kick."

"Yo you just caught that swift don-dadation right now."

by StealsyourstereO November 12, 2006

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Dirty Don

When a girl pays for your mcdonalds hamburger (preferably off the value picks menu) and then you lure her into the mens bathroom at said mcdonalds to perform lewd sex acts on you.

Yo that bitch gave me a dirty don over lunch last weekend

by rkfhjlgrf March 9, 2015

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