Saying something as if it were funny but it actually isn't.
Me: You're adopted!
Kaleb: C'mon man you can't just Fowl Play it, put some thought into it.
Parallel play refers to two or more people doing activities in the same space without significant interaction. It's common behavior for children developmentally, and is often done by neurodivergent people into adulthood.
Person A: My kid keeps drawing by me, but she won't talk to me or join what I'm doing. I she ignoring me?
Person B: That's just parallel play, she's connecting with you!
Person A: ..Parallel play?
Person B: Just read the text above us.
Person A: Hey, wanna parallel play?
Person B: Sure, but you've gotta show me what you drew at the end of it!
4👍 4👎
My girlfriend seemed to enjoy it when I played the cavern last night.
"your watching fight club! when i get home i dont want to catch you playing the D.J!"
Girls play are an 8 girl group of content Creators they stream on twitch daily (GP_TV) and upload youtube videos every week and they have been premiering all there YouTube videos for two or 3 months who are goofy wholesome and down to earth they care about there community which is the nerd herd and the girls name's are : Syd, Sky , Liv , Niki , Nat, Maddie , Alicia and Bells
Girls play are a group of content Creators who are wholesome and Goofy.
The act of blowing up balloons with nitrous, and inhaling them while on psychedelics to enhance visuals. The key to playing clown is replicating the sound of a balloon being blown up by a clown at a party, or by a wook at a music festival.
Bro 1: Did you hear those balloons being filled up at our neighbors campsite until 4:30 am last night?
Bro 2: Sounds like they were playing clown.
1. To change scenery
2. To stray from the normal
3. To do something new
Hey bro this party sucks! Let's switch the play.