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chefs arse

The unfortunate predicament one finds himself in when the arse sweats so much that serious itching and scratching is a must and a funny walk is adopted.

Chef Tony was such a ratty old bastard because he had a bad case of chefs arse.

by Botty Bot Bot September 22, 2006

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arse paste

The slimy, acrid and bacteria-filled gunk which coagulates and gathers in one's crack.

The heat of the day left its telltale mark of arse paste on his shorts.

by Nubba the Wandering Minstrel April 11, 2007

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Arse nuts

The small lumps of faeces and unidentifiable matter that become entagled in ones anal beard or arse hair.

"Holy Crap! I'm festooned with arse nuts!"

by Gav and the meat-cleavers December 5, 2003

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arse fez

A word used frequently in the flash cartoon "weebl and bob".
Literally means "ah shit".

Weebl:I spy with my sexy eye, something beginning with "S"
Bob: Is it "sign"?
Weebl(thinking):Arse fez!

by madmike 2011 May 18, 2006

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Arse Rape

Means getting ripped off big time.

"In New Zealand dairy products are expensive because Fonterra arse rape us", Electricty is expensive because power companies arse rape us"

Wages are low because employers arse rape us" and of course taxes are very high because the Government arse rape us big time!!

by Dan Ranga September 17, 2011

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Stucco Arse

An individual whose life revolves around the the creation of plaster and plasterboard products. This may be an employee of a plaster related manufacturer, or merely a lover of building products or building activities.

Stuart: "Hey, i think i'll work late, so that more plasterboard will be available to the world."

cowp: "No way, don't you have a life or something, you stucco arse."

by Msyrinx May 8, 2007

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piece of arse

Direct from the motherland, a more eloquent way to refer to a smoking female specimen. After all, she's not a donkey.

I had a jolly ol' time last night with my blokes up in Newcastle. You should have seen Nigel score that smashing piece of townie arse, right as the bar closed at the puritanical hour of 11pm.

by Cryogenic Stasis November 21, 2004

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