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Frequent Jerker Miles

All the rewards you should be getting every time you bust a nut

If I'd remembered to cash in my frequent Jerker Miles before they expired I'd go on a shopping spree

by D Flawless December 24, 2019

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mile-high club

The mile-high club is an exclusive club for guys who have jacked off and had a cumgasm in the restroom of an airplane flying at least one mile high.

I became a member of the mile-high club when I was a teenager!

by USAF Cadet January 13, 2021

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1/4 mile

1320 ft.

Commonly used drag racing term in which most cars are held at a standard for there elapsed time down the length of 1/4 mile.

"I owe you a 10 second car."

Said by Paul Walker's character Brian in The Fast and The Furious, referring to the amount of time the car he was driving to get down the 1/4 mile.

by jgib April 11, 2014

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Four Minute MIle

A popular game among many fraternaties where the person chosen to attempt to do the feat must drink four standard size beer aluminum cans in unde four minutes, but through two shot glasses. Note, excessive foam builds up faster in your stomach because of the shot glasses making it harder to drink the beer this way as opposed to drinking the beer through the cans themsleves.

Hey man you're going to have to complete the four minute mile if you want to pop bottles with the finest on a regular

by Fratylicious April 14, 2009

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mile high club

referring to people who have sex on a plane over a mile high.

Zak is the founder of the mile high club

by tbonetyrant February 2, 2011

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mile low club

A much less glamorous version of the mile high club. If you've ever jerked off on a plane then then you're in the mile low club.

Trent: Yo did you just crank one out in the airplane toilet?

Albert: Yeah (hangs head in shame)

That's low dude. You're in the mile low club now.

by JohnnyRico77 February 22, 2009

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100 Mile House

100 Mile House is a place located in the Cariboo region of British Columbia Canada. It was originally named so as it was located 100 miles from Lillooett on the old gold rush trail in BC. At the time, it was, indeed, a house.
Its population consists of two main demographics:
Drunk aboriginee.. and drunk caucasians.

I am getting shitfaced in 100 Mile House.

by 100Miler March 30, 2011

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