I can't believe I lost to a spammer in SSBU. Jesus H. W. Christ Sr.
6๐ 1๐
Who are you thankful for this thansgiving? BEANS RICE JESUS CHRIST AND BYRON
Used to express surprise, digust etc esp. in a comedy nature
See "Team America": As Michael Moore blows up Mount Rushmore, Spotswoode declares "Jesus Titty Fuckin....", just as the bomb goes off.
25๐ 18๐
A term used when an incident is so shockingly heinous, the simple exclamation, "Jesus Christ!" doesn't do it justice.
Imagery: Jesus Christ, impaled by a Hot Dog on a Stick (tm), aka a corn dog.
The most common image is one of Jesus Christ with a corn dog inserted into his rectum, though different examples of various Orifices of Christ can be found with a simple search on the World Wide Web.
(This definition is not endorsed by the company, Hot Dog on a Stick. However, the definition was originally penned by one of the company employees.)
Kid: "Dad, I'm in jail for stealing the neighbor's car, crashing it into a Walmart, then putting my dick into the tailpipe while the engine was still running."
Dad: "Jesus Christ on a Hot Dog on a Stick!!! Rot in prison, you sick little fuck. You're disowned."
11๐ 8๐
A hate as great of that equal to all the Christian Blind people and their take on Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ movie. Ultimate Hate beyond any basic understanding.
Mick walks into work to find Desiray is sitting at the computer hogging the internet at work.
Desiray smirks and does not share although, her being a she-whale, has been on the internet all morning, continues to hog the internet and not relent it to Mick.
Mick yells "I hate you with the passion of the Christ!"
11๐ 12๐
Expression of surprise or sometimes anger.
Holy crap! Jesus Fucking Christ on a Ritz Cracker!
3๐ 1๐
(exclamation): An alternative form of the phrase "Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ," often used in response to intense anger, surprise, or joy by those who are more scientifically-oriented. Also used by those who have made the observation that tits are no more than blobs of fat on a woman's chest, and there's really no reason why men should be attracted to them.
"Jesus Lumps-of-Fat-Fucking Christ Batman!" Robin exclaimed in exalting joy. "I believe the phrase is 'Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ,' and there's no reason for you to be yelling random expletives in the batcave--you remember what I said about using the Lord's name in vain" Batman wryly replied, a small smirk slowly sliding up his weathered cheeks. "Oh please, Batman," Robin replied, "that's so vulgar of you--we both know that 'titty' is such a silly word. And besides, what purpose is there in having sex with two lumps of fat? Shouldn't we just be honest about it? It's absurd." Robin stated very matter-of-factly. "Alright," Batman replied, "just don't come crying to me with your tightpants pulled clear up your ass when you go asking some girl if you can touch her lumps of fat."
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