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Gay condoms

it in the fucking name condoms for asshloes

your an gay condoms?

who the hell are you??!

by chi-naaaaaaa December 3, 2019

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god Condom

1.A relentes promise of truth an utmost seal to promises, it equals "I swear" Say by any religious person.

2. A promise or seal of Truth/Bets.

Mexican 1. Jo man I ran like 3 miles today.

Mexican 2. Nah godspeed I don't think so.

Mexican 1. No J for real I was being chase by a dog.

Mexican 2. god condom?!

Mexican1. god condom.

by The RealTruth. October 22, 2019

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

No condom rule

Having sex with a women and pulling out before you cum

"wanna no condom rule?"
"Yeah but be sure to pull out"

by Homelessman52 September 24, 2016

57๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

Condom Skid

When you shit into a condom, freeze it, and fuck a chick with it.

I came too fast, so i pleasured her with the old condom skid

by Vomit Sack Jensen August 9, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

condom sense

like common sense. its common sense for having sex by using a condom

guy 1- dude.. i got my girl pregnant..
guy 2- wft man. you didn't use protection? now thats just a lack of condom sense

by alliOG August 28, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

condom break

when kelsey and nick are about to fuck in my moms king size bed with silk sheets and right before they do the condom breaks and nick punches my moms head board and it sounds like they are fucking but they really arent haha and then they come back down at four in the morning so we can all laugh at them

"FUCK! i had a condom break now i cant hit that shit"

by somebody from 6/14 July 21, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Condom Licker

1)One who licks condoms.
2)One who is only worthy of the most vile diet
3)One who clings to others and would do anything to fit in and be accepted. One willing to humiliate themselves for the amusement of others.

That kid you hang out with that nobody really likes.

1: "Yo, Johnny, come eat this piece of shit"
Johnny: "sure!"
1: "what a condom licker"

by cobrakaidojo September 5, 2007

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